Scripts for monitoring Citrix XenServer

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Michael Siepen
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:28 am
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Scripts for monitoring Citrix XenServer

Post by Michael Siepen »


here are some scripts we're using to monitor our Citrix XenServers. As I am not a programmer they maybe not as elegant as they can be, but they serve our needs.

How many virtual machines are running on a host or pool:

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xe vm-list power-state=running | grep running > /tmp/vmlist
COUNT=`wc -l < /tmp/vmlist`
if [ "$COUNT" -lt "$1" ]
    echo "ScriptRes:Bad:"$COUNT
    echo "ScriptRes:Ok:"$COUNT
This one checks cpu load on a host or pool:

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$limit = $ARGV[0];
$i = 0;
$LAST = 0;
my @LOAD;

`xe host-cpu-list | grep uuid > /tmp/cpulist`;

open(DATEI, "</tmp/cpulist") || die "Datei nicht gefunden";
my @Zeilen = <DATEI>;

foreach (@Zeilen) {

foreach(@Zeilen) {
	$_ =~ s/uuid \( RO\)           : //;

foreach(@NeueZeilen) {
	$AUFRUF = 'xe host-cpu-param-get uuid='.$NeueZeilen[$i].' param-name=utilisation';
	$LOAD[$i] = qx($AUFRUF);
for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) {	


$LAST=sprintf("%.3f", $LAST);
if ($LAST > $limit) {
print "ScriptRes:Bad:".$LAST." %";
} else {
print "ScriptRes:Ok:".$LAST." %";
Checks for free physical memory:

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$limit = $ARGV[0];
chomp($str = `xe host-list params=memory-free`);
$membyte = substr($str,23,length($str)-23);
$memkbyte = $membyte/1024;
$memmbyte = $memkbyte/1024;
$memgbyte = $memmbyte/1024;
$memfree = sprintf("%.3f", $memgbyte);
if ($memmbyte > $limit) {
print "ScriptRes:Ok:".$memfree." GB";
} else {
print "ScriptRes:Bad:".$memfree." GB";
Michael Siepen
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:28 am
Location: Germany

Post by Michael Siepen »

Checks free space on a storage repository:

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$limit = $ARGV[0];
chomp($belegt = `xe sr-param-get uuid=$ARGV[1] param-name=physical-utilisation`);
chomp($total = `xe sr-param-get uuid=$ARGV[1] param-name=physical-size`);
$membyte = $total - $belegt;
$memkbyte = $membyte/1024;
$memmbyte = $memkbyte/1024;
$memgbyte = $memmbyte/1024;
$memfree = sprintf("%.3f", $memgbyte);
if ($memmbyte > $limit) {
print "ScriptRes:Ok:".$memfree." GB";
} else {
`xe message-create name="Speicherplatz auf SR" body="Speicherplatz auf dem genannten SR ist fast erschoepft. Noch $memfree GB verfuegbar" priority=1 sr-uuid=$ARGV[1]`;
print "ScriptRes:Bad:".$memfree." GB";
Checks if a specific virtual machine is running:

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`xe vm-list name-label=$ARGV[0] power-state=running > /tmp/`;

if (-z "/tmp/") {
print "ScriptRes:Bad:".$ARGV[0]." läuft nicht";
} else {
print "ScriptRes:Ok:".$ARGV[0]." läuft";
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