Cannot test a process remotely using connect as facility

General chat about HostMonitor (all messages posted before March 07, 2003 available here).
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Post by djmumbles »

I have previously asked this question before and ended up giving up getting HostMonitor to perform this function.

When testing if a process is running on another machine in some cases, i always get an 'unknown' status.

BUT i only have this problem when logged into a domain, using the local credentials to connect to the remote machine.

I DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS if i log into my machine locally (using the same local user name and password as the remote machine).

I have specified to connect as: Local User, Local password. But this setting is begin ignored, and its just trying to log me in using my DOMAIN credentials.

So there is bug whereby, if logged into a domain, irreleavant of what i am specifying to connect as, the DOMAIN credentials are used.

This is proved by logging out of the domain, then back in locally, and having all the process tests work!! The remote machine DOES NOT belong to ANY domain.

Will there be a bugfix for this??
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Post by Marcus »

When checking the security eventlog on the remote machine, you can see which account is actually doing the login.

This account needs to have a local account. This means a domain account for domain controllers, but a local (non domain) account for stand-alone servers and member servers