Import / export alert & schedule profiles?

General chat about HostMonitor (all messages posted before March 07, 2003 available here).

Post by Guest »

I have a Hostmon installation running about 500 tests on 80-odd servers, and I'm happy to see the ability to export tests added to the latest version.

However it is possible to import and/or export alert and schedule profiles?

This would be my number one feature request, closely followed by the ability to Ctrl-select and Shift-select tests to do group enables/disables and selective refreshes. These features would save me so much time!
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Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2002 6:00 pm
Location: USA

Post by KS-Soft »

>However it is possible to import and/or export alert and schedule profiles?

Sorry, no. I think in future versions will be implemented import/export functions for alert profiles. But I don't see any sense to do the same for schedules. Why do you need to export/import schedules?

>closely followed by the ability to Ctrl-select and Shift-select tests to do group enables/disables and selective refreshes

H'm, I think its possible from version 3.0
