Test the date of files?

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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Test the date of files?

Post by LordJezo »

Howdy, how have you been all these years? Good to see everything is still running well here.

I have a question about file tests, is it possible to monitor a file for it's creation/modification date? I just ran into a situation where a config file reverted back to some old default from two years ago instead of the one that was updated just as recently as a few months ago. No idea where it got the old file from but that's what happened.

What I want to do is put a check on a file that says something like "If this file is older than 6 months (for example) send an alarm". Something to monitor that the file is not changed.

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Post by KS-Soft »

Yes, everything is fine. Busy as always...
Sure, you may use File/Folder Availability test method. 6 month = about 259200 minutes (depends on what exactly months, February is shorter than July)

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