Backup Procedure that works and its free.

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Backup Procedure that works and its free.

Post by kvnsdr »

[Windows 2000 Workstation & Server w/ HM 5.30]

I'm a backup fanatic. It's not a question of "if", it's a question of "when" your workstation or server is going to crash.

Here is a DOS prompt backup.bat I use to COPY the entire HM directory to another external HDD on a seperate workstation.

I'm also backing-up everthing in "Documents and Settings" including the "Dektop" and "My Documents" (where most people store things) of ALL the users.

First 'map the drive' on the other workstation (I used 'M' for this illustraton) then use the following:

REM Copy to Removable HDD on seperate workstation

xcopy /s /e /y C:\"Documents and Settings"\*.* M:\dailybackup\MONITOR\"Documents and Settings"\

NET STOP HostMonService
NET STOP RmaService

xcopy /s /e /y C:\"Program Files"\Hostmonitor4\*.* M:\dailybackup\MONITOR\hostmonitor4\

NET START RmaService
NET START HostMonService

REM [pause is optional, I use it while testing new .bat files
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Post by KS-Soft »

Just a tip - its not necessary to stop agent.

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