DHCP test

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DHCP test

Post by KS-Soft »

DHCP test utility available at
This is command line utility that can be used with Shell Script test method
http://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/mfra ... m#chkShell

There is 1 mandatory command line parameter:
and 2 optional parameters:
-clientIP:<ip address>

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Re: DHCP test

Post by JuergenF »

Dear Alex,

what exactly does this test do ? Seems to do a DHCP request.

But what exactly does -ClientIP do ? I always get a "DHCP NAK" from my Server (looking at wireshark) using different clientIP-addresses

And another question:
When using -cli: instead of -clientIP: there is no Error message displayed.
Does the parameter work correctly ?
(i.e -ho instead of -host is not allowed)

dhcpcheck.exe -host: -cli:
ScriptRes:Host is alive:172 ms

dhcpcheck.exe -ho: -cli:
ScriptRes:Unknown:DHCP Server name or IP is required

Best regards

KS-Soft Europe
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Re: DHCP test

Post by KS-Soft Europe »

JuergenF wrote:what exactly does this test do ? Seems to do a DHCP request.
You are right. dhcpcheck utility verifies the DHCP server by sending DHCP request packet and waits for the response from DHCP server, whatever it replies NAK or ACK.
JuergenF wrote:But what exactly does -ClientIP do ? I always get a "DHCP NAK" from my Server (looking at wireshark) using different clientIP-addresses
ClientIP parameter may specify the IP-address from the range, managed by DHCP server. It is not required parameter, so you have not to specify it. We have implemented such a parameter, because some DHCP servers does not respond on the packet without proper clients IP. If server replies NAK it means the server is alive as well.
JuergenF wrote:And another question:
When using -cli: instead of -clientIP: there is no Error message displayed.
Does the parameter work correctly ?
ClientIP is not required parameter, so if you specified -cli: parameter, dhcpcheck utilty would ignore it. Unlike -ClientIP parameter, -Host: parameter is required. So, it must be specified in any case.

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