Import function: MasterTest-Alive = Internet Link

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Import function: MasterTest-Alive = Internet Link

Post by terje »

Our tests in hostmonitor are divided into folders based on the various customers sites that we are testing. For each customer we have a multitude of tests divided into folders relating to function. There is also a private log file associated with each customer. The log file for each customer is used in conjunction with some batch processes to produce some really neat customer specific reports.

Recently I had to use the EXPORT to text function to modify all the tests so that the private logs are now on the D: drive instead of the C: drive. After exporting the tests I did a search and replace on the relevant path. I then added the option in the header of the file so that the IMPORT function would modify rather than replace the tests. I then ran the IMPORT function. This worked a treat and was a squillion time easier than manually editing a gazillion tests. However there does seem to be a bug as follows.

For many of the customers we have a ping test called "Internet Link". This tests that we have basic connectivity to the customer site. Most tests relating to the customer are in turn dependent on this link being good. However this means many tests across different customers depend on a master test called "Internet Link" which is not the same master test but does have the same name. However the IMPORT function was not smart enough to figure this out and it happily made all the customer tests dependent on one single test called "Internet Link" from one single customer which for most tests was not the appropriate master to assign. I ended up having to do quite a bit of manual editing to fix this up.

I think I could have avoided this if I had done a search and replace to remove or remark out the "MasterTest-Alive = " references from the import file. Hindsight is 20/20.

I think it would be good if the import function did one or more of a couple of things differently to avoid this problem:-

1. Referenced master tests by something more unique than the name.
2. Checked prior to the actual import for ambiguity and reported it to the user and then asked if they still wanted to proceed.

There is some logic in avoiding duplicate test names. However given that tests are already segmented by folders that reflect the customer they relate to, it seems painful to duplicate this customer name information again in all the test names. In both exports and log files hostmonitor really ought to recognise tests by something other than the test name.

Perhaps some naming convention such as:-

Internet Link{22}
Internet Link{13}
Server01 C-Drive{14}

where the test reference includes the text name as well as some unique internal test ID that is unchanging and completely independent of the test name.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Yes, if you import test items from text file and there are several "master" tests with the same name, HostMonitor cannot identify which one should be used as master item :roll:
I have added task into "to do" list

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Post by losisoft »

Probably of you won't create the same test name, it wouldn't be a problem.
So it's more a design problem. We have the customer name in all test.
And If I remember right, you will get even a warning if you create the same test name. :roll:
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