Server 2008 - False test passes?

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Server 2008 - False test passes?

Post by jcooke »

Hey guys,

I've started trialing Host Monitor 7.78 on my Windows 2008 Standard 64Bit with Sp1 and come across a weird issue. Now I understand that Server 08 isn't officially supported yet, I just thought I'd let you know of the issue and check and see if anyone else has the same problem.

I am finding that any TCP port test on 80, or 8080, passes, even if the remote site is down. If i save the tests, load 7.78 on a Server 2003 32bit, it reports sites correctly. I loaded 7.78 on another Server 2008 64Bit and experienced the same issue.

Can anyone else confirm this? Is there a planned date for that the new version that does support 08 correctly?

Thanks in advance.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Well, we fixed all known problems related to Vista and Windows 2008 except NT Event Log test that needed to be redesigned...
I am finding that any TCP port test on 80, or 8080, passes, even if the remote site is down
Today we retested HostMonitor on Windows Server 2008 x86 Standard and Windows Server 2008 x64 Standard and we cannot reproduce the problem.

Do you have installed some antivirus monitors, personal firewall, content monitoring software? Non stanard winsock components?
What exactly target hosts have you tested? Can we access these servers from internet?

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Post by jcooke »

Hey Alex,

Thanks for the prompt reply. I have looked into it and whilst I have nothing locally running on 8080, if I attempt to telnet to any remote site on 8080, the telnet screen goes blank (eventually timing out). The fact that it goes blank instead of saying connection failed suggests that something is listening on 8080. I have looked the Server, firewall's, routers, and can find nothing on my 2008 test server of the clients.

I can only assume its something on either 2008 or one of the applications that are present on each. The common apps are Trend Worry Free Business Security (port 4460 and 4433), Backup Exec and Backup Exec System Recovery.

Any ideas on how I could find what's doing it, if not 2008 itself?

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Post by KS-Soft »

If you tried to connect to port 8080 on local system (the same Windows 2008 Server) and TCP connection was established while netstat utility (netstat -o -p TCP -a) does not show any process listening on this port, this means something is wrong with this system.
Have you tested other TCP port? or just 80 and 8080?

Backup Exec and Backup Exec System Recovery? I don't think these applications can lead to such problem.
Trend Worry Free Business Security? I cannot find information about similar problem related to this software... Can you disable (uninstall) it for testing?

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Post by greyhat64 »

I'm not sure it's been tested with 2008, but another utility that will list details and give you control over processes associated with open ports is CurrPort. One of many valuable FREE utilities you can find at

Hope this helps :)
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Post by jcooke »

Hey guys,

Sorry for the late reply. If I telnet to localhost 8080, it goes to the black screen as if it is indeed listening on port 8080. If I run a netstat -an | find ":8080" as soon as the black screen appears, I get:


If I dont run the telnet localhost 8080 and run a netstat -an | find ":8080", it shows nothing listening on it. I did find in IIS on the default website, the bindings were set to 808*. I removed this, restarted IIS (not the Server yet though) but the issue persisted.

Currport still works, but dispalys the same as above, nothing unless telnet localhost 8080 is run.

Any other ideas?
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