NT Event Log test - report about all events

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NT Event Log test - report about all events

Post by jbarrellon »

I have a problem with NT Event Log tests in mode "report about all events".
The matter is that the tests are repeating until they arrive to the last event, so I can't read the description of the events (except for the last one). I think it shouldn't be the case unless I misunderstand the documentation.

Maybe I'm not clear so here is an example :
the last execution of the test was at 5pm, the next one is at 6pm. Between 5pm and 6pm, there are three new events that fit my filters in windows event viewer.
When the test is running at 6pm, it will display the first one, but it will repeat immediatly and display the second one, and repeat again and display the last one, then it stops because there is no more new event.
So I can see only the last event because the other one stay less than a second, which is not what I want (indeed here I have the same information that I would have by using "report about last event" (except for the reccurences)).

I'm using HM v7.52

test configuration :

Method = NTLog
;--- Common properties ---
;DestFolder = ROOT\tests\
Title = PT2430 event log system
Comment =
RelatedURL =
ScheduleMode= Regular
Schedule = 7 Days, 24 Hours
Interval = 600
Alerts = Do nothing
ReverseAlert= No
UnknownIsBad= Yes
WarningIsBad= Yes
UseCommonLog= Yes
PrivLogMode = Default
CommLogMode = Default
;--- Test specific properties ---
Computer =
Log = System
Source =
ReportMode = AllEvents
TestOkMode = IfNoBadEvent
BadFilter = 1
CheckComp = Any
CheckType = Any
CheckID = Any
CheckDescr = Any
CompList =
IDList =
DescrList =

Thanks in advance, and sorry if my english is terrible
KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

You really can see description of the last event only on the screen. However, if you assign, e.g. "Send Email" action to this test, you'll get as many emails, as events occured in event log.
There are several "NT Event log" specific macro variables you may use within an email body:
http://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/mfra ... .htm#macro
%NTEventSource% - Event source. Identifies the software that logged the event
%NTEventComp% - Name of the computer where the event occurred
%NTEventTime% - Time of the event
%NTEventType% - Type of the event
%NTEventID% - Event identifier
%NTEventText% - Event description
%NTEventUser% - Represents the user name if an event is attributed to a specific user

Posts: 23
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Post by jbarrellon »

ok, I think I'm going to do scripts to store each event in a file.
Anyway, thank you very much for your quick answer.

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Post by peter.egri.citrix »

what if some macro doesn't working ?
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Post by KS-Soft »

what if some macro doesn't working ?
What exactly means "macro doesn't working"? Variables just represent some information collected by HostMonitor. If HostMonitor cannot retrieve some information, then its not related just to variables. It relates to some more generic problem.
If something does not work, please tell us what exactly is not working.

If you are talking about problem that you already reported in "NTEventUser" topic, please do not duplicate your messages.
We are working on this issue but we don't know why HostMonitor cannot retrieve user name, yet.

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