Create import file of PerfMon counters

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Joined: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:51 am

Create import file of PerfMon counters

Post by andrew_dc »

Have you ever created multiple perfmon counters for multiple servers?

While there are several ways to attack this problem, I put together this PowerShell script to create an import file.

Code: Select all

# Create WMI Import.ps1 
# Created by Andrew Rodriguez
# Email: andrew.mywork :at: gmail :dot: com
# Version: 0.1 
# Created: 08/19/2010
# Last modification: 08/19/2010

# Notes:
# You'll want to do the following before using:
#  1. Modify $path where you save your script
#  2. Modify $destFolder as needed
#  3. Create the "raw_counters.txt" file 
#  4. Modify $counters where you saved the previously mentioned file.
# Optionally:
#  5. You may want to modify "Interval =" and "Alerts ="

# Setup default variables
# -----------------------
$path = "C:\Dev\HostMonitor\"
$destFolder = "Root\"
$crlf = "`r`n"

$server = Read-Host "Enter a server name:"
$folder = Read-Host "Enter folder name (folder must exist!):"
$file = "$path$server$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss).txt"

$counters = Get-Content "C:\Dev\HostMonitor\raw_counters.txt"
foreach ($counter in $counters)
    "Method      = PerfCounter" + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    ";--" + $server + " - " + $counter  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "DestFolder = " +$destFolder + $folder + "\"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "Title       = PerfCounter: " + $counter.split("\")[-2,-1]  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "Comment     = PerfCounter: " + $counter  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "RelatedURL  = "  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "NamePattern = PerfCounter: %object%"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "CmntPattern = PerfCounter: %path%"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "ScheduleMode= Regular"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "Schedule    = 7 Days, 24 Hours"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "Interval    = 60"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "Alerts      = Testing Alert"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "ReverseAlert= No"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "UnknownIsBad= Yes"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "WarningIsBad= Yes"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "UseCommonLog= Yes"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "PrivLogMode = Default"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "CommLogMode = Default"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    ";--- Test specific properties ---"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "PerfCounter = \\" + $server + $counter  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "Condition   = "  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "Value       = "  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    "DisplayMode = AsIs"  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    ""  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8
    ""  + $crlf | Out-File $file -Append -encoding UTF8

Sample file for raw_counters.txt

Code: Select all

\Cache\MDL Read Hits %
\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use
\Memory\Available MBytes
\Memory\Page Reads/sec
\Memory\Pool Nonpaged Bytes
\Network Interface(*)\Bytes Received/sec
\Network Interface(*)\Bytes Sent/sec
\Network Interface(*)\Packets Outbound Discarded
\Network Interface(*)\Packets Received Discarded
\PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk Queue Length
\PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Transfer
\PhysicalDisk(*)\% Disk Time
\Processor(_Total)\% Interrupt Time
\Processor(_Total)\% Privileged Time
\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time
\Processor(_Total)\% User Time
\System\Context Switches/sec
\System\Processor Queue Length
\System\System Up Time
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Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2002 6:00 pm
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Post by KS-Soft »

Thank you

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