Test Windows Updates

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
Posts: 176
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Post by xcentric »

For some reason I am unaware the original and modified scrips are off by one update on 2008 servers. The GUI shows 12 updates but the script reports 13 or the GUI shows 1 and the script in hm shows 2. Confirmed this on multiple 2008 servers. Copied and pasted right from forum to hm script manager. Weird.
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:47 am

Post by MichaelF »

KS-Soft wrote:
cmd /c cscript /B /C:windowsupdate.vbs %Script% %Params%
This does not look correctly.
1) I think cscript utility does not support such /C parameter
2) If you stored script in external file (windowsupdate.vbs) then you don't need to use %Script% variable. If you stored script using Script Manager then you need to use %Script% variable but then windowsupdate.vbs has no sense.

As you may see VB script example uses the following command
cmd /c cscript /B /E:VBScript %Script% %Params%
Why don't you use the same command?
Now what do i have to enter under Hint and Prams?
Quote fro the manual
List of script parameters (if any). This parameter is optional however we recommend to use it. It will be displayed in the Test Properties dialog as a reminder - which parameters should be specified for the script. E.g. "Process: %CPU usage (average)" script has 2 parameters: <process_name> and <maximum threshold (%)>
So you may use this field for any information useful for you.

As Tom said script can accept one parameter - name (or IP) of remote machine.

Hi Alex,

thank you for help.
Know it´s work on a sbs2008 & server 2008

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Post by KS-Soft »

Know it´s work on a sbs2008 & server 2008
Sorry, I do not understand what exactly works. Do you mean you have corrected command line used to launch script and now your test works fine?

Posts: 12869
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Location: USA

Post by KS-Soft »

For some reason I am unaware the original and modified scrips are off by one update on 2008 servers. The GUI shows 12 updates but the script reports 13 or the GUI shows 1 and the script in hm shows 2. Confirmed this on multiple 2008 servers. Copied and pasted right from forum to hm script manager. Weird.
Probably its because you check updates using "name" property.
I think its better to check critical updates using "MsrcSeverity" property.

Code: Select all

Option Explicit

const statusAlive       = "scriptRes:Host is alive:"
const statusDead        = "scriptRes:No answer:"
const statusUnknown     = "scriptRes:Unknown:"
const statusNotResolved = "scriptRes:Unknown host:"
const statusOk          = "scriptRes:Ok:"
const statusBad         = "scriptRes:Bad:"
const statusBadContents = "scriptRes:Bad contents:"

dim updateSession, updateSearcher, searchResult, objCategories, j, forWindows
dim objInstallationBehavior
dim i, cnt

Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
Set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateupdateSearcher()

Set searchResult = _
updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'")

cnt = 0
FOR i = 0 to searchResult.Updates.Count-1
  If (InStr(UCase(searchResult.Updates.Item(i).MsrcSeverity), "CRITICAL")) Then

        'get the category i.e. windows, office, etc... if it's not windows, we dont care
        set objCategories = searchResult.Updates.Item(i).Categories
        forWindows = False
        'loop through the categories array to see if "WINDOWS" is mentioned
        For j = 0 To objCategories.Count - 1
            If (InStr(UCase(objCategories.Item(j).Name), "WINDOWS")) Then
                'if we are here, then this patch is critial AND for windows
                forWindows = True
                Exit For
            End If
        'final checking, if forWindows, that means its critical AND for windows
        If forWindows Then
                cnt = cnt+1  'CRITICAL updates
        End If

if cnt>0 then
  WScript.StdOut.Write statusBad & cnt & " critical updates found!"
  WScript.StdOut.Write statusOk 'No new critical updates found
End If
Posts: 176
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:30 pm

Post by xcentric »

Hey Alex

I found some information that suggests a different approach by checking for updates using classification and seems to make sense. Let me know what you think.

Source: http://www.wuinstall.com/index.php/en/howto
Each security update has a certain severity. There are five possible severities:
•Critical: A security issue whose exploitation could allow the propagation of an Internet worm without user action
•Important: A security issue whose exploitation could result in compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of users' data, or of the integrity or availability of processing resources.
•Moderate: Exploitation is mitigated to a significant degree by factors such as default configuration, auditing, or difficulty of exploitation.
•Low: A security issue whose exploitation is extremely difficult, or whose impact is minimal.
•Unknown: No information about the severity is available

Tip: The severity is only filled in for Security Updates, so it is not really suitable for finding high priority updates as security updates usually ARE high priority updates. Classification is better for that purpose.

Each update belongs to one of those classifications:
•Critical Updates
•Security Updates
•Update Rollups
•Services Packs
•Feature Packs
•Definition Updates

Tip: High priority updates can best be found with the classification (Critical Updates, Security Updates and Update Rollups), however sometimes also (Updates) can be high priority. Generally speaking, selecting which updates are high priority and which are not is up to the administrator, there is no general rule how to automatically match the high priority catgorization on the microsuft update website.
Given this information one can choose which classification to receive updates from. For my purposes seleceting the "Critical Updates,Security Updates,Service Packs,Update Rollups" categories is sufficient for automated detection and a manual human detection for the "Updates" category.

I am posting a final working script for anyone who chooses to check updates by classification but it does not contain the code for remote exection. To use simply edit the "highpriority" variable for the classifications you wish to detect.

Code: Select all

const statusAlive = "scriptRes:Host is alive:" 
const statusDead = "scriptRes:No answer:" 
const statusUnknown = "scriptRes:Unknown:" 
const statusNotResolved = "scriptRes:Unknown host:" 
const statusOk = "scriptRes:Ok:" 
const statusBad = "scriptRes:Bad:" 
const statusBadContents = "scriptRes:Bad contents:"

' check this category for 'High Priority' updates
category = "UpdateClassification"
highpriority = ",Security Updates,Update Rollups,Critical Updates,"

' create instance of update.searcher (offline)
Set objSearcher = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Searcher")
objSearcher.Online = 1

' find and fetch collection of updates
Set objResults = objSearcher.Search("Type='Software' and IsInstalled=0")
Set colUpdates = objResults.Updates
count = 0
For i = 0 to colUpdates.Count - 1

' check categories
Set colCategories = colUpdates.Item(i).Categories
For c = 0 to colCategories.Count - 1
If colCategories.item(c).Type = category _
And InStr(highPriority, "," & colCategories.item(c).Name & ",") > 0 Then
count = count + 1
End If

'send results to host monitor
if count > 0 then 
WScript.StdOut.Write statusBad & count & " high priority updates found!"
WScript.StdOut.Write statusOk & "No new high priority updates found"
End If 
Posts: 176
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:30 pm

Post by xcentric »

I wanted to share a script that I found online and having some difficulty in getting it executed on remote systems.

What is does:
Searches for important updates only. Then catalogs, downloads, installs and emails a report (sample below) of installed updates.

Why not use windows update?
I need a way to manually update groups of servers at will without logging into each one.

The problem:
Executing this script locally and using the local agent works flawlessly using "Exteral test". If I try to execute using the remote agent on a remote system, it seems to start but never completes. I say "seems to start" because I can see the trustedinstaller exe come alive in the processes when executed by the agent. UAC was already disabled prior to testing.

I tried using the "Active script" test method with failure. Error 1002 compilation error.

I believe I need to execute with elevated priviledges but not sure how. Can anyone offer a clue as to what I am missing? The script has not been modified and works as is.


The script

Code: Select all

strScriptVer = "2.6a - Rob Dunn (uphold2001@hotmail.com)"
'Rob Dunn
'with some additional improvements made by the WSUS and VBSHF community
' - thank you!
'uphold 2001 (at) hot mail (dot)com
'For future versions and support:


'wsus, windows, updates, hotfixes, email, windowsupdate, microsoft, wua, sus, 
'Install updates silently, email you a logfile, then restart the computer -> 
'updatehf.vbs action:install mode:silent email:you@yourdomain.com restart:1 
'Detect missing updates, email you a logfile, then do nothing (no restart) -> 
'updatehf.vbs action:detect mode:verbose email:you@yourdomain.com restart:0 
'Prompt user to let them decide whether or not to install updates, email 
' you a logfile, prompt user for restart -> 
'updatehf.vbs action:prompt mode:verbose email:you@yourdomain.com restart:1 
'Install updates silently, email you a logfile, then shutdown the computer 
' if a reboot is pending-> 
'updatehf.vbs action:install mode:silent email:you@yourdomain.com restart:2 
'Install updates silently, email you a logfile, then shutdown the computer 
' no matter if a reboot is pending or not-> 
'updatehf.vbs action:install mode:silent email:you@yourdomain.com restart:2 force:1 
'Detect missing updates or pending reboot silently, email you a logfile, then 
' restart if there is a pending reboot -> 
'updatehf.vbs action:detect mode:silent email:you@yourdomain.com restart:1 
'Detect missing updates or pending reboot silently, email you a logfile, then 
' restart no matter if there is a pending reboot -> 
'updatehf.vbs action:detect mode:silent email:you@yourdomain.com restart:1 force:1 
'This script (the core was pulled from Microsoft's website, and the 
' WindowsUpdate agent install was borrowed from Torgeir Bakken - thank 
' you!) will tell the WU agent to 'detectnow', download and install 
' missing windows updates as compared to it's update server. Works for 
' WSUS and regular Windows Update site. 
'This will now reboot the computer if specified after the udpates have 
' been applied (or if there is a reboot pending from a previous update session). 
'NOTE: If there are a LOT of downloads to pull, the status window (or log) 
' will say "Downloading" for that entire time. I'm not sure how to get 
' a download progress of each update...maybe someone can help me with that. 
'Note on command-line switches: If you don't specify a switch (for 
' example, 'email:') the corresponding variable defined in the script will 
' provide the needed information (command-line switches take precedence). 
'Why I put this script together: 
'Our desktop deployment technicians needed a script that would pull 
' updates immediately and install. 
'We have some computers that are sometimes logged on or not (but 
' they run services that must be running almost constantly), and are never rebooted. 
'The user ignores the 'you have new updates available' message, so updates are 
' never installed. This script will let you install the updates, and then it 
' tells the WUA to present the 'restart' message - which more users are apt to 
' respond to. 
'If the client running the script doesn't have the specified version of the WUA ' installed, Torgeir's portion of the script will automatically install it (
' please contact me if this doesn't work - I modified his script slightly to 
' plug into mine!). 
'After the script runs, it will email a recipient the resulting logfile that is 
' produced. Very handy for running with my Front-end to PSEXEC tool. 
'You need to edit the following variables: 
'sExePath - this is the location of the WindowsUpdateAgent20-x86.exe. 
'Download links: 
'Version 2.0 - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=43264
'Version 3.0 - http://download.windowsupdate.com/v7/windowsupdate/redist/standalone/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe
'strMailFrom - arbitrary reply-to address 
'strMailto - email address you want the report to mail to (this is for manual 
' mode 
' - or if the command-line switch isn't specified). 
'strSMTPServer - the IP address of the email server you are sending the reports 
' through. 
'Optional variables: 
'Silent - 0 = verbose, 1 = silent (no windows or visible information) 
'Intdebug - 0 = off, 1 = 1 (see some variables that are being passed) 
'strAction - prompt|install|detect. Prompt gives users opportunity to install 
' updates or not, install just installs them, detect updates the WU collection 
' and downloads the updates (but does not install them) - useful if you want to 
' have the computer refresh its stats to the stat server but not install the 
' updates. 
'blnEmail - 0 = off|1 = on. If set to 0, the script will not email a log file. 
' If you specify an email address in the command-line, this will force the 
' script to switch blnEmail to '1'. 
'strRestart - 0 = Do nothing|1 = restart|2 = shutdown. Command-switch 'restart:' 
' supercedes this variable. 
'Command line switches: 
'action: prompt|install|detect 
'mode: silent|verbose 
'email: you@yourdomain.com 
'restart: 0 (do nothing)| 1 (restart) | 2 (shutdown) 
'force: 0 (do not enforce restart action - this is optional, by default it is 
' set to 0) | 1 (enforce restart action).
'SMTPServer: x.x.x.x or hostname; overrides strSMTPServer above.
'emailsubject: "this is a subject" Overrides default subject. Server name is appended to this text. Use quotes if spaces exist.
'emailifallok: 0|1, where 0 = dont send email if server up to date and no 
' reboot pending, and 1 = always send email
'fulldnsname: 0|1, where 0 = use server name only in subject, and 1 = use full
' dns name in email subject
'authtype: cdoAnonymous|cdoNTLM|cdoBasic - authentication type for SMTP (default
' is 'cdoAnonymous', no creds needed)
'authID: SMTP authentication ID
'authPassword: SMTP authentication password
'Finally, rename the file with .vbs 

Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Const ForAppending = 8
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForReading = 1
Const cdoAnonymous = 0 'Do not authenticate
Const cdoBasic = 1 'basic (clear-text) authentication
Const cdoNTLM = 2 'NTLM
Const cdoSendUsingMethod = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing", _
			cdoSendUsingPort = 2, _
			cdoSMTPServer = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver", _
			cdoSMTPServerport = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport", _
			cdoSMTPconnectiontimeout = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/Connectiontimeout"

On Error Resume Next

'below variables for progress indicators
Dim objShell, objProcessEnv, objSystemEnv, objNet, objFso, objSwitches
Dim query, item, acounter, blnExtendedWMI, blnProcessEvents
Dim dlgBarWidth, dlgBarHeight, dlgBarTop, dlgBarLeft, dlgProgBarWidth, dlgProgBarHeight 
Dim dlgProgBarTop, dlgProgBarLeft
Dim dlgBar, dlgProgBar, wdBar, objPBar, objBar, blnSearchWildcard
Dim blnProgressMode, blnDebugMode, dbgTitle
Dim dbgToolBar, dbgStatusBar, dbgResizable
Dim IE, objDIV, objDBG, strMyDocPath, strSubFolder, strTempFile, f1, ts, File2Load, objFlash
Dim dbgWidth, dbgHeight, dbgLeft, dbgTop, dbgVisible
'above variables for progress indicators
Dim blnRebootRequired

Dim strAction, regWSUSServer, ws, l, wshshell, wshsysenv, strMessage, strFrom
Dim strRestart, silenttext, restarttext, blnCallRestart, blnInstall, blnPrompt, strStatus
Dim blnIgnoreError, blnCScript, strLocaleDelim

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS")
Set ws = wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objADInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")

'Try to pick up computername via AD'
strComputer1 = objADInfo.ComputerName

'As a backup, use the environment strings to pick up the computer
' name.
strComputer = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Computername%")

strUser = WshSysEnv("username")
strDomain = WshSysEnv("userdomain")

'Get computer OU
strOU = "Computer OU: Not detected"

Set objComputer = GetObject("LDAP://" & strComputer1)
If objComputer.Parent <> "" Then  
	strOU = "Computer OU: " & replace(objComputer.Parent,"LDAP://","")
End If

If InStr(ucase(WScript.FullName),"CSCRIPT.EXE") Then
	blnCScript = TRUE
	blnCScript = FALSE
End If

blnCloseIE = true

'*******************************************************************************' User variables
'Turn on debugging.  This will show some of the variables that are being passed 
' while the script executes.
Intdebug = 0          

'How long between the time that the script is finished and the IE window stays
' on the screen.  Set to '0' if you don't want the status window to close 
' automatically.
intSleep = 2000

'Whether or not the user will see the status window.
' Possible options are: 
'0 = verbose, progress indicator, status window, etc.
'1 = silent, no progress indicators.  Everything occurs in the background
Silent = 0 
'The location of the logfile (this is the file that will be parsed
' and the contents will be sent via email.                      
logfile = WshSysEnv("TEMP") & "\" & "vbswsus-status.log"

'This won't attach and mail yet - WUA holds on to the file, so I can't email it.
'  ...yet.
' Maybe for future versions...
'WSUSLog = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%") & "\" & "WindowsUpdate.log"

'Full EXE path to Windows Update Agent installation exe.  It will install it 
' slently if the PC needs it
sExePath = Chr(34) & "\\Server\Share\WindowsUpdate\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe" & Chr(34)
'arbitrary email address - reply-to
strMailFrom = "iti.alerts@itinnovations.biz"

'who are you mailing to?  Input mode only.  Command-line parameters take 
' precedence
strMailto = "iti.alerts@itinnovations.biz"

'set SMTP email server address here
strSMTPServer = "mail.itinnovations.biz"

'set SMTP email server port (default is 25)
iSMTPServerPort = 25

'The computer name will follow this text when the script completes.
strSubject = "[WSUS Update Script] - WSUS Update log file from" 

'Version number of the Windows Update agent you wish to compare installed 
' version against.  If the version installed is not equal to this version, then 
' it will install the exe referred to in var 'sExePath' above.
strWUAgentVersion = "7.0.6000.374"
'version 2.0 SP1 is				
'version 3.0 is 7.0.6000.374

'Deliminator in above strWUAgentVersion - some locales might have "," instead
' (Non English) - leave as "." if you aren't sure.
strLocaleDelim = "."

'default option for manual run of the script.  Possible options are:
' prompt - (user is prompted to install)
' install - updates will download and install
' detect - updates will download but not install                                       
strAction = "install" 

'Turns email function on/off.  If an email address is specified in the 
' command-line arguments, then this will automatically turn on ('1').
' 0 = off, don't email
' 1 = on, email using default address defined in the var 'strMailto' above.
blnEmail = 1

'strEmailIfAllOK Determines if email always sent or only if updates or reboot 
' needed.
' 0 = off, don't send email if no updates needed and no reboot needed
' 1 = on always send email
strEmailIfAllOK = 1

'strFullDNSName Determines if the email subject contains the full dns name of 
' the server or just the computer name.
' 0 = off, just use computer name
' 1 = on,  use full dns name
strFullDNSName = 0

'tells the script to prompt the user (if running in verbose mode) to input the 
' email address of the recipient they wish to send the script log file to.  The 
' default value in the field is determined by the strMailto variable above.
'This only appears if no command-line arguments are given.  
'0 = do not prompt the user to type in an email address
'1 = prompt user to type in email address to send the log to.
promptemail = 0

'Tells the computer what to do after script execution if the script detects that 
' there is a pending reboot.
'Command-prompt supercedes this option.
'0 = do nothing
'1 = reboot
'2 = shutdown
strRestart = 0

'Try to force the script to work through any errors.  Since some are recoverable
' this might be an option for troubleshooting.  Default is 'true'
blnIgnoreError = true

'sets font for display status dialog and sent formatted logfile
strFontStyle = "arial"

'set your SMTP server authentication type.  
' Possible values:cdoAnonymous|cdoBasic|cdoNTLM
' You do not need to configure an id/pass combo with cdoAnonymous
strAuthType = "cdoAnonymous"

'SMTP authentication ID
strAuthID = ""

'Password for the ID
strAuthPassword = ""

'End of User variables
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

'writelog("Arguments: " & wscript.arguments)
writelog("Log file used: " & logfile)
If intdebug = 1 then wscript.echo "Objargs.count = " & objArgs.count

If objArgs.Count > 0 Then
For I = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1
  If objArgs.Count > 0 Then 
    if instr(LCase(objargs(i)),"action:") Then
      strArrAction = split(objargs(0),":")
      strAction = strArrAction(1)
      if intdebug = 1 then wscript.echo strAction
    ElseIf instr(LCase(objargs(i)),"mode:") Then 
      strArrMode = split(objargs(i),":")
      silent = strArrMode(1)
      If lcase(silent) = "silent" then 
        silent = 1
      Elseif lcase(silent) = "verbose" then 
        silent = 0
        blnCloseIE = true
        strMsg = "Invalid mode switch: " & silent & ".  Now aborting."
        'Call ErrorHandler("Command Switches",strMsg,"true")
      End If
      Silenttext = strArrMode(1)
    ElseIf instr(LCase(objargs(i)),"email:") Then 
	   strArrEmail = split(objargs(i),":") 
	   strMailto = strArrEmail(1) 
	   blnEmail = 1 
	 	ElseIf instr(LCase(objargs(i)),"logfile:") Then 
	   strArrLogfile = split(objargs(i),"logfile:") 
	   LogFile = strArrLogFile(1) 
    ElseIf InStr(LCase(objargs(i)),"restart:") Then 
    	strArrAction = split(objargs(i),":")
    	strRestart = strArrAction(1)
    ElseIf InStr(LCase(objargs(i)),"force:") Then
    	strArrForceAction = split(objargs(i),":")
    	strForceaction = strArrForceAction(1)
    ElseIf InStr(LCase(objargs(i)),"smtpserver:") Then
    	strArrSMTPServer = split(objargs(i),":")
    	strSMTPServer = strArrSMTPServer(1)
    ElseIf InStr(LCase(objargs(i)),"emailifallok:") Then
    	strArrEmailIfAllOK = split(objargs(i),":")
    	strEmailIfAllOK = strArrEmailIfAllOK(1)
    ElseIf InStr(LCase(objargs(i)),"fulldnsname:") Then
    	strArrFullDNSName = split(objargs(i),":")
    	strFullDNSName = strArrFullDNSName(1)
    ElseIf InStr(LCase(objargs(i)),"emailsubject:") Then
    	strArrSubject = split(objargs(i),":")
    	strSubject = strArrSubject(1)
    ElseIf InStr(LCase(objargs(i)),"authtype:") Then
    	strArrAuthType = split(objargs(i),":")
    	strAuthType = strArrAuthType(1)
    ElseIf InStr(LCase(objargs(i)),"authid:") Then
    	strArrAuthID = split(objargs(i),":")
    	strAuthID = strArrAuthID(1)
    ElseIf InStr(LCase(objargs(i)),"authpassword:") Then
    	strArrAuthPassword = split(objargs(i),":")
    	strAuthPassword = strArrAuthPassword(1)    
    End If
  End If
      'strAction = "prompt"
      If blnEmail = 1 and silent = 0 and promptemail = 1 Then strMailto = InputBox("Input the email address you would like the " _
       & "Windows Update agent log sent to:","Email WU Agent logfile to recipient",strMailto)
      If strMailto = "" Then wscript.quit
End If

Set l = ws.OpenTextFile (logfile, ForWriting, True)
l.writeline "------------------------------------------------------------------"
l.writeline "WU force update VBScript" & vbcrlf & Now & vbcrlf & "Computer: " & strComputer
l.writeline "Script version: " & strScriptVer
l.writeline strOU 
For I = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1
  strArguments = strArguments & " " & objArgs(I)
l.writeline "Executed by: " & strDomain & "\" & strUser
l.writeline "Command arguments: " & strArguments
l.writeline "------------------------------------------------------------------"

If blnEmail = 1 then 
    writelog("SMTP Authentication type specified: " & strAuthType)
    If lcase(strAuthType) <> "cdoanonymous" Then
      If strAuthType = "" Then
        strAuthType = "cdoanonymous"
        writelog("SMTP Auth User ID: " & sAuthID)
        If SMTPUserID = "" then 
          writelog("No SMTP user ID was specified, even though SMTP Authentication was configured for " & strAuthType & ".  Attempting to switch to anonymous authentication...")
          strAuthType = "cdoanonymous"
          If strAuthPassword <> "" then writelog("You have specified a SMTP password, but no user ID has been configured for authentication.  Check the INI file (" & sINI & ") again and re-run the script.")
          if strAuthPassword = "" then writelog("You have specified a SMTP user ID, but have not specified a password.  Switching to anonymous authentication.")
          strAuthType = "cdoanonymous"
        End if
        If strAuthPassword <> "" then writelog("SMTP password configured, but hidden...")
      End If
    End If
End If

Call checkupdateagent

Select Case silent
  Case 0
    silenttext = "Verbose"
  Case 1
    silenttext = "Silent"
  Case Else
End Select

If strForceaction = 1 Then 
	strForceText = " (enforce action)"
	strForceText = " (only if action is pending)"
End If

Select Case strRestart
  Case 0
    restarttext = "Do nothing"
  Case 1 
    restarttext = "Restart"
  Case 2 
    restarttext = "Shut down"
  Case Else
End Select

restarttext = restarttext & strForceText

writelog("Script action is set to: " & strAction)
writelog("Verbose/Silent mode is set to: " & silenttext)
writelog("Restart action is set to: " & restarttext)

Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_
 strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate"
strValueName = "WUServer"
oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,regWSUSServer
writelog("Checking local WU settings...")

Call GetAUSchedule()

If regWSUSServer then 
  regWSUSServer = "Microsoft Windows Update"
End If

writelog("Update Server: " & regWSUSServer)

strValueName = "TargetGroup"

oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,regTargetGroup
if regTargetGroup <> "" then 
  writelog("Target Group: " & regTargetGroup)
  writelog("Target Group: Not specified")
End If

Set autoUpdateClient = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate")
Set updateInfo = autoUpdateClient.Settings

Select Case updateInfo.notificationlevel
	Case 0 
	  writelog("WUA mode: WU agent is not configured.")
	Case 1 
	  writelog("WUA mode: WU agent is disabled.")
	Case 2
	  writelog("WUA mode: Users are prompted to approve updates prior to installing")
	Case 3 
	  writelog("WUA mode Updates are downloaded automatically, and users are prompted to install.")
	Case 4 
	  writelog("WUA mode: Updates are downloaded and installed automatically at a pre-determined time.")
	Case Else
End Select

fstyle = "tahoma,arial,verdana"
bgcolor1 = "aliceblue"
fformat = "<font face='" & fstyle & "'>"

'set some IE status indicator variables...
blnDebugMode = True
blnProcessEvents = True
blnSearchWildcard = False
blnProgressMode = True

On Error Resume Next

Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
Set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateupdateSearcher()

writelog("Instantiating Searcher")
Set searchResult = updateSearcher.Search("IsAssigned=1 and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'")

'Handle some common errors here
If cstr(err.number) <> 0 Then
  If cstr(err.number) = "-2147012744" Then
    strMsg = "ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE - The server response could not be parsed." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Actual error was: " _
      & " - Error [" & cstr(err.number) & "] - '" & err.description & "'"
    blnFatal = true
  ElseIf CStr(err.number) = "-2145107924" Then
    strMsg = "WU_E_PT_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED - Winhttp SendRequest/ReceiveResponse failed with 0x2ee7 error. Either the proxy " _
     & "server or target server name can not be resolved. Corresponding to ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED. " _
     & "Stop/Restart service or reboot the machine if you see this error frequently. " _
     & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Actual error was [" & err.number & "] - " & chr(34) _
      & err.description & chr(34)
    blnFatal = false
  ElseIf cstr(err.number) <> 0 and cstr(err.number) = "-2147012867" Then 
    strMsg = "ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT - The attempt to connect to the server failed." & vbcrlf _
      & vbcrlf & "Actual error was [" & err.number & "] - " & chr(34) _
      & err.description & chr(34)
    blnFatal = true
  ElseIf CStr(err.number) = "-2145107941" Then 
    strMsg = "SUS_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ - Http status 407 - proxy authentication required" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Actual " _
     & "error was [" & err.number & "]" & chr(34) & err.description & chr(34)
  ElseIf CStr(err.number) = "-2145124309" Then 
    strMsg = "WU_E_LEGACYSERVER - The Sus server we are talking to is a Legacy Sus Server (Sus Server 1.0)" _
     & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Actual error was [" & err.number & "] - " & chr(34) & err.description & chr(34)
    blnFatal = true
  ElseIf CStr(err.number) = "7" Then 
    strMsg = "Out of memory - In most cases, this error will be resolved by rebooting the client." _ 
     & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Actual error was [" & err.number & "] - " & chr(34) & err.description & chr(34) 
    blnFatal = True 
    If err.description = "" Then 
    	errdescription = "No error description given"
        errdescription = err.description
    End If
    If blnIgnoreError = false Then 
    	blnFatal = true 
 	    strScriptAbort = vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Script will now abort. - if you want to force the script to continue, change the 'blnIgnoreError' variable " _
     	 & "to the value 'true'"
    	strScriptabort = vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Script will attempt to continue."
    End If
    strAddr = "http://www.vbshf.com/vbshf/wsus/sus_error_code.htm "
    strMsg = "Error - [" & err.number & "] - " & chr(34) & errdescription & chr(34) & "." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf _
     & "This error is undefined in the script, but you can refer to " & strAddr & "to look up the error number." _
     & strScriptAbort
     strMsgHTML = replace(strMsg,strAddr,"<a href='" & strAddr & "'>" & strAddr & "</a>")
    If silent = 0 Then objdiv.innerhtml = replace(strMsgHTML,"vbcrlf","<br>")
   End If
  Call ErrorHandler("UpdateSearcher",strMsg,blnFatal)
End If

If silent = 0 then 
  writelog("Calling IE Status Window")
	on error goto 0
	Call IEStatus
End If

Call CheckPendingStatus("beginning")

strMsg = "Refreshing WUA client information..."
if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg

'cause WU agent to detect
on error resume next
if err.number <> 0 then call ErrorHandler("WUA refresh",err.number & " - " & err.description,false)
on error goto 0 

strMsg = "WUA mode: <font color='navy'>" & strACtion & "</font><br>WU Server: " & regWSUSServer _
 & "<br>Target Group: " & regTargetGroup & "<br><br>List of applicable items on the machine: <br>"
writelog("WUA mode: " & straction)
writelog("WU Server: " & regWSUSServer)
If silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg
writelog("Searching for missing or updates not yet applied...")

on error resume next
'Old code - replaced by below...thanks to WSUS user 'roos'
'For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
'    Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
'    strSearchResultUpdates = strSearchResultUpdates & update.Title & "<br>"
'    writelog("Missing: " & searchResult.Updates.Item(i) & ", Category ID: " & objCategories.Item(i).CategoryID)

For i = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
    Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(i)
    strSearchResultUpdates = strSearchResultUpdates & update.Title & "<br>"
    Set objCategories = searchResult.Updates.Item(i).Categories
    writelog("Missing: " & searchResult.Updates.Item(i) & ", Category ID: " &  objCategories.Item(i).CategoryID)

if err.number <> 0 then
    writelog("An error has occured while instantiating search results.  Error " & err.number & " - " & err.description _
        & ".  Check the " & wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%") & "\windowsupdate.log file for further information.")

    blnFatal = false
End IF

    if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg & strsearchResultUpdates
If searchResult.Updates.Count = 0 Then
  strMsg = fformat & "There are no further updates needed for your PC at this time."
	if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg


  Call EndOfScript
End If

If intdebug = 1 then WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "Creating collection of updates to download:"
If strAction <> "detect" Then writelog("Creating a catalog of needed updates") 

writelog("********** Cataloging updates **********")

Set updatesToDownload = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")

For I = 0 to searchResult.Updates.Count-1 
	Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I) 
	strUpdates = strUpdates & update.Title & "<br>"
 	writelog("Cataloged: " & update.Title) 
	If Not update.EulaAccepted Then update.AcceptEula 

if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = ""
strMsg = fformat & "This PC requires updates from the configured Update Server" _
 & " (" & regWSUSServer & ").  "
If strAction <> "detect" Then strmsg = strmsg & "<br><br> Downloading needed updates.  Please stand by..."

if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg

If strAction = "detect" Then 
	Set downloader = updateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader() 
	on error resume next
	downloader.Updates = updatesToDownload
	writelog("********** Downloading updates **********")


	if err.number <> 0 then
		writelog("Error " & err.number & " has occured.  Error description: " & err.description)
	End if

	strUpdates = ""
	strMsg = ""
	if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = ""
	strMsg = fformat & "List of downloaded updates: <br><br>"
	if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg
	For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
	    Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
	    If update.IsDownloaded Then
	       strDownloadedUpdates = strDownloadedUpdates & update.Title & "<br>"
	    End If
	       On Error GoTo 0
	       writelog("Downloaded: " & update.Title)
	       if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg & strDownloadedUpdates
	Set updatesToInstall = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")
	strUpdates = ""
	strMsg = ""
	if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = ""
	strMsg = fformat & "Creating collection of updates needed to install:<br><br>" 
	if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg
	writelog("********** Adding updates to collection **********")

	For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
	    set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
	    If update.IsDownloaded = true Then
	       strUpdates = strUpdates & update.Title & "<br>"
	    End If
	       writelog("Adding to collection: " & update.Title)
	       if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg & strUpdates	
End If

If lcase(strAction) = "prompt" Then 
  strMsg = "The Windows Update Agent has detected that this computer is missing updates from the " _
   & " configured server (" & regWSUSServer & ")." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Would you like to install updates now?"
  strResult = MsgBox(strMsg,36,"Install now?")
  strUpdates = ""
  writelog(strMsg & " [Response: " & strResult & "]")
  strMsg = ""
  If silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = ""

ElseIf strAction = "detect" Then
  strMsg = fformat & "Windows Update Agent has finished detecting needed updates." 
  if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg & "<br><br>"
  Call EndOfScript
ElseIf strAction = "install" Then
  strResult = 6
End If 

strUpdates = ""
if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = ""

If strResult = 7 Then
  strMsg = strMsg & "<br>User cancelled installation.  This window can be closed."
  if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg

ElseIf strResult = 6 Then
  strMsg = ""
  Set installer = updateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
  installer.AllowSourcePrompts = False 
  installer.ForceQuiet = True 

	strMsg = fformat & "Installing updates... <br><br>"
  if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg

 if err.number <> 0 then
	writelog("Error " & err.number & " has occured.  Error description: " & err.description)

 end if
	installer.Updates = updatesToInstall
	writelog("********** Installing updates **********")
	blnInstall = true

  on error resume next	
	Set installationResult = installer.Install()
  If err.number <> 0 then 
	    'strMsg = "Error installing updates... Actual error was " & err.number & " - " & err.description & "."
    	if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg

	End If
	'Output results of install
	strMsg = fformat & "Installation Result: " & installationResult.ResultCode & "<br><br>" _
	 & "Reboot Required: " & installationResult.RebootRequired & "<br><br>" _
	 & "Listing of updates installed and individual installation results: <br>"
	For i = 0 to updatesToInstall.Count - 1
		If installationResult.GetUpdateResult(i).ResultCode = 2 Then 
			strResult = "Installed"
		ElseIf installationResult.GetUpdateResult(i).ResultCode = 1 Then 
			strResult = "In progress"
		ElseIf installationResult.GetUpdateResult(i).ResultCode = 3 Then 
			strResult = "Operation complete, but with errors"
		ElseIf installationResult.GetUpdateResult(i).ResultCode = 4 Then 
			strResult = "Operation failed"
		ElseIf installationResult.GetUpdateResult(i).ResultCode = 5 Then 
			strResult = "Operation aborted"			
		End If
		writelog(updatesToInstall.Item(i).Title & ": " & strResult)
    strUpdates = strUpdates & updatesToInstall.Item(i).Title & ": " & strResult & "<br>"
	if silent = 0 then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg & strUpdates
End If		

Call EndOfScript

'*******************************************************************************'Function Writelog 
Function WriteLog(strMsg) 
l.writeline "[" & time & "] - " & strMsg
' Output to screen if cscript.exe 
If blnCScript Then WScript.Echo "[" & time & "] " & strMsg 
End Function 

'*******************************************************************************'Function IE Status
Function IEStatus

'added by Rob - IE status indicator code
If blnProgressMode Then
	If blnDebugMode Then
		dbgTitle = "Windows Update Script " & strScriptVer
		dbgTitle = "Windows Update Script " & strScriptVer
	End If	
	dbgToolBar = False
	dbgStatusBar = False
	If blnDebugMode Then
		dbgResizable = True
		dbgResizable = False
	End If
	dbgWidth = 500
	dbgHeight = 320

 on error resume next

    'get - resolution via WMI
    Set vids = GetObject("WinMgmts:").instancesof("Win32_VideoController")
        for each v in vids
                HorScreen = v.CurrentHorizontalResolution
                VerScreen = v.CurrentVerticalResolution
    If err.number <> 0 then
        dbgLeft = 100
        dbgTop = 200
        HorScreen = 800
        VerScreen = 600
        dbgLeft = (HorScreen * .5) - (dbgWidth/2)
        dbgTop = (VerScreen * .5) - (dbgHeight/2)
    End if

	dbgLeft = (HorScreen * .5) - (dbgWidth/2)
	dbgTop = (VerScreen * .5) - (dbgHeight/2)
	dbgVisible = True
	dlgBarWidth = 380
	dlgBarHeight = 23 
	dlgBarTop = 5
	dlgBarLeft = 82
	dlgProgBarWidth = 0
	dlgProgBarHeight = 18 
	dlgProgBarTop = 82
	dlgProgBarLeft = 50
	dlgBar = "left: " & dlgBarLeft & "; top: " & dlgBarTop & "; width: " & dlgBarWidth _
	 & "; height: " & dlgBarHeight & ";"
	dlgProgBar = "left: " & dlgProgBarLeft & "; top: " & dlgProgBarTop & "; width: " _
	 & dlgProgBarWidth & "; height: " & dlgProgBarHeight & ";"
	wdBar = 1 * dlgBarWidth
End If

If blnProgressMode Then
  ' in case people has used the search bar in IE, turn it off 
  ' Thank you Torgeir!
  Set IEtmp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
  IEtmp.ShowBrowserBar "{30D02401-6A81-11D0-8274-00C04FD5AE38}", False 
  Set IEtmp = Nothing 
  WScript.Sleep 1000
  Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
	'strScriptVer = "version would go here"

	strTempFile = WshSysEnv("TEMP") & "\progress.htm"
	ws.CreateTextFile (strTempFile)
        Set f1 = ws.GetFile(strTempFile)
        Set ts = f1.OpenAsTextStream(2, True)
        ts.WriteLine("<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->")
        ts.WriteLine("<html><head><title>" & dbgTitle & " " & strScriptVer & " </title>")
        ts.WriteLine("<style>.errortext {color:red}")
     	ts.WriteLine(".hightext {color:blue}</style>")
	ts.WriteLine(strHDRCode & " <br><strong><font size='2' color='" & fcolor & "' face='" & fstyle & "'>" _
	 	& "&nbsp Running Windows Update Client...<br>" _
	 	& "&nbsp &nbsp<br>")
	ts.WriteLine("<center><table width='100%' bgcolor='" & bgcolor1 & "'><tr><td>")
	If blnDebugMode Then
		ts.WriteLine("<body bgcolor ='" & stsBGColor & "' scroll='yes' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0'"_
		& " style='font-family: " & fstyle & "; font-size: 0.6em color: #000000;"_
		& " font-weight: bold; text-align: left'><center><font face=" & fstyle & ">"_
		& " <font size='0.8em'> <hr color='blue'>")
		ts.WriteLine("<body bgcolor = '" & stsBGColor & "' scroll='no' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' "_
		& " style='font-family: " & fstyle & "; font-size: 0.6em color: #000000;"_
		& " font-weight: bold; text-align: left'><center><font face=" & fstyle & ">"_
		& " <font size='0.8em'> <hr color='blue'>")
	End If
	ts.WriteLine("<div id='ProgObject' align='left'align='left' style='width: 450px;height: 140px;overflow:scroll'></div><hr color='blue'>")			
	If blnDebugMode Then
		ts.WriteLine("<div id='ProgDebug' align='left'></div>")
	End If

	ts.WriteLine("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.2'>")
	ts.WriteLine("<!-- Begin")
	ts.WriteLine("function initArray() {")
	ts.WriteLine("this.length = initArray.arguments.length;")
	ts.WriteLine("for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {")
	ts.WriteLine("this[i] = initArray.arguments[i];")
	ts.WriteLine("   }")
	ts.WriteLine("var ctext = ' ';")
	ts.WriteLine("var speed = 1000;")
	ts.WriteLine("var x = 0;")
	ts.WriteLine("var color = new initArray(")
	ts.WriteLine("document.write('<div id=" & Chr(34) & "ProgFlash" & Chr(34) & ">"_
	 & "<center>'+ctext+'</center></div>');")
	ts.WriteLine("function chcolor(){")
	ts.WriteLine("document.all.ProgFlash.style.color = color[x];")
	ts.WriteLine("(x < color.length-1) ? x++ : x = 0;")
	ts.WriteLine("// End -->")
	ts.WriteLine("<div id='ProgBarId' align='left'></div>")
	Set objDIV = IE.Document.All("ProgObject")
	If blnDebugMode Then
		Set objDBG = IE.Document.All("ProgDebug")
	End If
	Set objFlash = IE.Document.All("ProgFlash")
	Set objPBar = IE.Document.All("ProgBarId")
	Set objBar = IE.Document
End If
If silent = 1 Then
'remarked by Rob Set logwindow = ie.document.all.text1
End If
End Function
'*******************************************************************************'*	Name:	fctSetupIE
'*	Function:	Setup an IE windows of 540 x 200 to display 
'* 	progress information.
Sub fctSetupIE(File2Load)
	IE.Navigate File2Load
	IE.ToolBar = dbgToolBar
	IE.StatusBar = dbgStatusBar
	IE.Resizable = dbgResizable
	Loop While IE.Busy
	IE.Width = dbgWidth
	IE.Height = dbgHeight
	IE.Left = dbgLeft
	IE.Top = dbgTop
	IE.Visible = dbgVisible
	wshshell.AppActivate("Microsoft Internet Explorer")
End Sub

Sub GetAUSchedule()
Set objAutoUpdate = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate")
Set objSettings = objAutoUpdate.Settings

Select Case objSettings.ScheduledInstallationDay
    Case 0
        strDay = "every day"
    Case 1
        strDay = "sunday"
    Case 2
        strDay = "monday"
    Case 3
        strDay = "tuesday"
    Case 4
        strDay = "wednesday"
    Case 5
        strDay = "thursday"
    Case 6
        strDay = "friday"
    Case 7
        strDay = "saturday"
    Case Else
        strDay = "The scheduled installation day is could not be determined."
End Select

If objSettings.ScheduledInstallationTime = 0 Then
    strScheduledTime = "12:00 AM"
ElseIf objSettings.ScheduledInstallationTime = 12 Then
    strScheduledTime = "12:00 PM"
    If objSettings.ScheduledInstallationTime > 12 Then
        intScheduledTime = objSettings.ScheduledInstallationTime - 12
        strScheduledTime = intScheduledTime & ":00 PM"
        strScheduledTime = objSettings.ScheduledInstallationTime & ":00 AM"
    End If
    'strTime = "Scheduled installation time: " & strScheduledTime
End If

writelog("Windows update agent is scheduled to run on " & strDay & " at " & strScheduledTime)
End Sub

Sub CheckUpdateAgent() 

writelog("Checking version of Windows Update agent against version " _
 & strWUAgentVersion & "...")

bUpdateNeeded = True ' init value 

On Error Resume Next
Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.AgentInfo") 
If Err.Number = 0 Then 
  updateinfo = updateSession.GetInfo("ProductVersionString")
  If replace(updateInfo,strLocaleDelim,"") = replace(strWUAgentVersion,strLocaleDelim,"") then
    writelog("File versions match (" & updateinfo & "). Windows Update Agent is up to date.")
    bUpdateNeeded = False 
  ElseIf updateInfo > strWUAgentVersion Then 
      writelog("Your installed version of the Windows Update Agent (" & updateinfo & ") is newer than the referenced version (" & strWUAgentVersion & ").")
		  bUpdateNeeded = False
	End If 
End If 

If bUpdateNeeded Then 
  ' stop the Automatic Updates service 
  writelog("File version (" & updateinfo & ") does not match. Windows Update Agent 2.0 required.") 
  writelog("Stopping service 'wuauserv'")
  WshShell.Run "%SystemRoot%\system32\net.exe stop wuauserv", 1, True 
  ' install tha AU client 

Set WUAUService = GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//./root/cimv2:Win32_Service.Name='wuauserv'") 
serviceState = WUAUService.state 
writelog("Automatic Updates Service State ('wuauserv'): " & serviceState & """") 

' KG: Just in case it is taking a while to stop, we'll loop. 
Do Until serviceState = "Stopped" 
WScript.Sleep 3000 
serviceState = WUAUService.State 
writelog("Automatic Updates Service State ('wuauserv'): " & serviceState & """") 

  On Error Resume Next
  Set oEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS") 
  writelog("Attempting to install agent from '" & sExePath & "'")
  WshShell.Run sExePath & " /quiet /norestart", 1, True 

  If CStr(err.number) <> 0 Then 
    blnFatal = false
    strMsg = "Error executing Agent EXE - [" & err.number & "]: " & err.description & " (" & sExePath & ")" 
    call ErrorHandler("Program Execution",strMsg,blnFatal)
  End If 
End If 

End Sub

'*******************************************************************************'Function SendMail - email the warning file
Function SendMail(strFrom,strTo,strSubject,strMessage)
Dim iMsg, iConf, Flds

writelog("Calling sendmail routine")
writelog("To: " & strMailto)
writelog("From: " & strMailFrom)
writelog("Subject: " & strSubject)
writelog("SMTP Server: " & strSMTPServer)

'If silent = 0 Then objdiv.innerhtml = "<font face=" & strFontStyle & " color=" & strFontColor2& ">" _
' & "sending mail to " & strMailTo & "...</font><br>"

'//  Create the CDO connections.
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set Flds = iConf.Fields

If lcase(strAuthType) <> "cdoanonymous" Then
  'Type of authentication, NONE, Basic (Base64 encoded), NTLM
  iMsg.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = strAuthType

  'Your UserID on the SMTP server
  iMsg.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = strAuthID

  'Your password on the SMTP server
  iMsg.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = strAuthPassword

End if

'// SMTP server configuration.
With Flds
	.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
	.Item(cdoSMTPServer) = strSMTPServer
	.Item(cdoSMTPServerPort) = iSMTPServerPort
	.Item(cdoSMTPconnectiontimeout) = 60
End With

Dim r
Set r = ws.OpenTextFile (logfile, ForReading, False, TristateUseDefault)
strMessage = "<font face='" & strFontStyle & "' size='2'>" & r.readall & "</font>"

'//  Set the message properties.
With iMsg
    Set .Configuration = iConf
        .To       = strMailTo
        .From     = strMailFrom
        .Subject  = strSubject
        '.TextBody = strMessage
End With

'iMsg.AddAttachment wsuslog
iMsg.HTMLBody = replace(strMessage,vbnewline,"<br>")
'//  Send the message.
on error resume next

iMsg.Send ' send the message.
Set iMsg = nothing

If CStr(err.number) <> 0 Then
	strMsg = "Problem sending mail to " & strSMTPServer & "." _
   & "Error [" & err.number & "]: " & err.description & "<br>"
  Call ErrorHandler("Sendmail function",replace(strMsg,"<br>",""),"false")
  strStatus = strMsg
  If silent = 0 Then objdiv.innerhtml = strStatus
  strStatus = "Connected successfully to email server " & strSMTPServer
	strStatus = strStatus & "<br><br><font face=" & strFontStyle & " color=" & strFontColor2& ">" _
 & "sent email to " & strMailTo & "...</font><br><BR>" _
	 & "Script complete.<br><br><a href='" & logfile & "'>View log file</a>"
	If silent = 0 Then objdiv.innerhtml = strStatus
End If

'cause WU agent to detect
blnEmail = 0

End Function
'*******************************************************************************'Function RestartAction
'Sub to perform a restart action against the computer
Function RestartAction
  If silent = 0 Then objdiv.innerhtml = strStatus & "<br> Now performing restart action (" & restarttext & ")."
  wscript.sleep 4000
  writelog("Processing RestartAction")
	'On Error GoTo 0
	Dim OpSysSet, OpSys
	'writelog("Computer: " & strComputer & vbcrlf & "Restart Action: " & strRestart)

  	'On Error Resume Next
	'Call WMI query to collect parameters for reboot action
	Set OpSysSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{(Shutdown)}//" & strComputer & "/root/cimv2").ExecQuery("select * from Win32_OperatingSystem"_
	 & " where Primary=true") 
	If CStr(err.number) <> 0 Then 
	  strMsg = "There was an error while attempting to connect to " & strComputer & "." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf _
		 & "The actual error was: " & err.description
		blnFatal = true
    	Call ErrorHandler("WMI Connect",strMsg,blnFatal)
	End If

  	Const EWX_LOGOFF = 0 
  	Const EWX_SHUTDOWN = 1 
  	Const EWX_REBOOT = 2 
  	Const EWX_FORCE = 4 
  	Const EWX_POWEROFF = 8 
	'set PC to reboot
	If strRestart = 1 Then

		For each OpSys in OpSysSet 
			opSys.win32shutdown EWX_REBOOT + EWX_FORCE

	'set PC to shutdown
	ElseIf strRestart = 2 Then
		For each OpSys in OpSysSet 
			opSys.win32shutdown EWX_POWEROFF + EWX_FORCE
  'Do nothing...
  ElseIf strRestart = "0" Then
End If

End Function

'Sub ErrorHandler
'Sub to help display/log any errors that occur
Sub ErrorHandler(strSource,strMsg,blnFatal)
    'Set theError = RemoteScript.Error

		If silent = 0 then wscript.echo "Source: " & strSource & " - " & strMsg
		If blnFatal = true then wscript.quit
End Sub

'*******************************************************************************'Function EndOfScript
'Function to close out the script
Function EndOfScript

  If blnInstall = true then Call CheckPendingStatus("end")
  on error goto 0
  writelog("Windows Update VB Script finished")
  l.writeline "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  If blnCallRestart = true then writelog("Restart action will be called.  " _
   & "Restart action is set to: " & restarttext & ".")

  If blnEmail = 1 Then
     If searchresult.updates.count = 0 and not blnRebootRequired and StrEmailifAllOK = 0 then
        writelog ("No updates required, no pending reboot, therefore not sending email")
        if strFullDNSName = 1 then
           strDomainName = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERDNSDOMAIN%")
	  			 strOutputComputerName = strComputer & "." & StrDomainName
           strOutputComputerName = strComputer         
        end if
        if emailifallok = 0 or emailifallok = 1 then
          if instr(strSMTPServer,"x") then
           Call SendMail(strFrom,strTo,strSubject & " " & strOutputComputerName,strMessage)
          end if
        end if
     end if

  End If

  strMsg = "The script has been configured to " & restarttext _
   		& ".  The update script has detected that this " _
   		& "computer has a reboot pending from a previous update session." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf _
   		& "Would you like to perform this action now?"
  If silent = 0 and blnPrompt = true Then 
  	strResult = MsgBox(strMsg,36,"Perform restart/shutdown action?")
  ElseIf blnPrompt = false Then
  	strResult = 6
  End If
  If blnCallRestart = true Then 
  	If strResult = 6 Then call RestartAction
    on error resume next
  	If silent = 0 Then objdiv.innerhtml = strStatus & "<br>This computer has no pending reboots"
  End If
  If intSleep > 0 Then
      ' So the user have a chance to see the last output before closing IE
      WScript.Sleep intSleep
      ' Just in case the IE window is already closed by the user
      On Error Resume Next
      ' Close the IE window
      On Error Goto 0
  End If
  Exit Function
End Function
'*******************************************************************************'Function CheckPendingStatus
'Function to restart the computer if there is a reboot pending...
Function CheckPendingStatus(beforeorafter)
  Set ComputerStatus = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.SystemInfo")
  Select case beforeorafter
    Case "beginning"
      strCheck = "Pre-check"
    Case "end"
      strCheck = "Post-check"
    Case Else
  End Select
  blnRebootRequired = ComputerStatus.RebootRequired

  If ComputerStatus.RebootRequired or strForceAction = 1 Then
     If beforeorafter = "beginning" Then 
        If ComputerStatus.RebootRequired Then strMsg = "This computer has a pending reboot (" & strCheck & ").  Switching to 'detect' mode."
        If strAction = "prompt" Then blnPrompt = true
        strAction = "detect"
        blnCallRestart = true  
        If ComputerStatus.RebootRequired Then strMsg = "This computer has a pending reboot (" & strCheck & ").  Setting PC to perform post-script " _
          & "execution..."
        blnCallRestart = true        
     End If
        If not ComputerStatus.RebootRequired Then strMsg = "This computer does not have any pending reboots (" & strCheck & ")."
  End If
     If strMsg <> "" Then writelog(strMsg)
     If silent = 0 and strMsg <> "" then objdiv.innerhtml = strMsg
     'wscript.sleep 4000
End Function
Last edited by xcentric on Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 176
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:30 pm

Post by xcentric »

Apparently all the code would not fit into one reply. Here is the email report sent.

The email report

Code: Select all

WU force update VBScript
8/16/2011 10:38:51 AM
Script version: 2.6a - Rob Dunn (uphold2001@hotmail.com)
Computer OU: Not detected
Executed by: Workstation\Administrator
Command arguments: 
[10:38:51 AM] - SMTP Authentication type specified: cdoAnonymous
[10:38:51 AM] - Checking version of Windows Update agent against version 7.0.6000.374...
[10:38:51 AM] - Your installed version of the Windows Update Agent (7.5.7601.17514) is newer than the referenced version (7.0.6000.374).
[10:38:51 AM] - Script action is set to: install
[10:38:51 AM] - Verbose/Silent mode is set to: Verbose
[10:38:51 AM] - Restart action is set to: Do nothing (only if action is pending)
[10:38:51 AM] - Checking local WU settings...
[10:38:51 AM] - Windows update agent is scheduled to run on every day at 3:00 AM
[10:38:51 AM] - Update Server: Microsoft Windows Update
[10:38:51 AM] - Target Group: Not specified
[10:38:51 AM] - WUA mode Updates are downloaded automatically, and users are prompted to install.
[10:38:51 AM] - Instantiating Searcher
[10:38:59 AM] - Calling IE Status Window
[10:39:03 AM] - This computer does not have any pending reboots (Pre-check).
[10:39:03 AM] - WUA mode: install
[10:39:03 AM] - WU Server: Microsoft Windows Update
[10:39:03 AM] - Searching for missing or updates not yet applied...
[10:39:03 AM] - Missing: Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.109.1918.0), Category ID: e0789628-ce08-4437-be74-2495b842f43b
[10:39:03 AM] - Creating a catalog of needed updates
[10:39:03 AM] - ********** Cataloging updates **********
[10:39:03 AM] - Cataloged: Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.109.1918.0)
[10:39:03 AM] - This PC requires updates from the configured Update Server (Microsoft Windows Update). Downloading needed updates. Please stand by...
[10:39:03 AM] - ********** Downloading updates **********
[10:39:12 AM] - Downloaded: Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.109.1918.0)
[10:39:12 AM] - ********** Adding updates to collection **********
[10:39:12 AM] - Adding to collection: Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.109.1918.0)
[10:39:12 AM] - Installing updates... 
[10:39:12 AM] - ********** Installing updates **********
[10:39:21 AM] - Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.109.1918.0): Installed
[10:39:21 AM] - This computer does not have any pending reboots (Post-check).
[10:39:21 AM] - Windows Update VB Script finished
[10:39:21 AM] - Calling sendmail routine
[10:39:21 AM] - To: user@domain.com
[10:39:21 AM] - From: user@domain.com
[10:39:21 AM] - Subject: [WSUS Update Script] - WSUS Update log file from WORKSTATION
[10:39:21 AM] - SMTP Server: mail.domain.com
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Post by KS-Soft »

I think "Error 1002 compilation error" is not related to permissions, it looks like syntax error. May be you have different versions of VB scripting engine on these 2 systems and you need to update one?
You may use simple script to check engine version

Code: Select all

WScript.StdOut.WriteLine (ScriptEngine() & " Version " & ScriptEngineMajorVersion() & "." & ScriptEngineMinorVersion() & "." & ScriptEngineBuildVersion())
BTW: I think author of this script knows much more about system requirements for the script. His e-mail listed in the code...

Posts: 176
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Post by xcentric »

Forgive me. Maybe I did not explain properly what is happening.

By itself this script works flawlessly. I tried to use this script with two different test methods. External and Active Script. I am unsure as to the best or proper way to execute this script using an agent on a remote system. In an ideal situation I would like to store the script in the hml to be used by all agents without having to put the script on every machine.

I used a simple batch file to call the vbs.
This is where I suspect the permission problem as I stated earlier. I get no error and the trustedinstaller is activated and then does nothing.

Active Script
I chose to store the contents of the vbs in the hml file. I put the script where it reads put your statement here. I also increased the timeout to 300 since this script takes a while to complete.

This is where I get the compilation error. MAybe I have not properly integrated the two codes?

Code: Select all

FUNCTION PerformTest()
'put your statements here
 PerformTest = statusUnknown+"Empty VBScript"  'change this line to return proper test`s "Status" and "Reply" value to HostMonitor
BTW, I tried your code to get the script engine version but it did not work. I received "The handle is invalid". Both systems used are 2008 R2. I used the following code instead to get the script version and they were both the same v5.8.

Code: Select all

' VBScript.vbs
' Sample Script to check VBScript Version
' Author Guy Thomas http://computerperformance.co.uk/
' Version 1.1 - September 2010
' ------------------------------------------------------- 
WScript.Echo "VBScript Version: " & ScriptEngineMajorVersion _
& "." & ScriptEngineMinorVersion
BTW: I think author of this script knows much more about system requirements for the script. His e-mail listed in the code...
I believe the requirements are met to use this script as it does work. But in the world of host monitor, there are many different ways to do the same thing. This is where I have trouble sometimes.

Last edited by xcentric on Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 176
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:30 pm

Post by xcentric »

Ok, I have managed to get the script to at least run when inside the hml file. But still again the trustedinstaller executes and nothing happens. Oh well. :cry:

However, it seems because of the resource protection in 2008 R2 I cannot automate the use of this script. I will email the author to see if I can get around this.

TrustedInstaller SID

In the Windows Server® 2008 and Windows Vista® operating systems, most of the operating system files are owned by the TrustedInstaller security identifier (SID), which is the only SID that has full control over them. The purpose is to prevent a process that is running as an administrator or under the LocalSystem account from automatically replacing the operating system files. To delete an operating system file, you need to take ownership of the file and then add an access control entry (ACE) on the file that permits you to delete it. This helps protect against a process that is running as LocalSystem and has a System integrity label; a process that has lower integrity should not be able to elevate itself to change ownership. Some services, for instance, can run with medium integrity, even though they are running as LocalSystem. Such services cannot replace system files, thereby preventing an exploit that takes over a service from replacing operating system files.
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Post by xcentric »

Crap :cry: It appears that I am right.
try with the -c -u parameters -u for the user, i've noted that windows wont runit with out a valid user name, and psexec uses the system local account for running whatever you send, unleass you use the -u parameter, for domain you need to be explicit i.e. psexec \\machine -u domain\user -c updates.bat

PD it doesnt has to be the same user that uses the machine it just have to be a user with administrative privilegies.
Is there anyway to run this as a user from a host monitor agent? Or I guess I could just use psexec also. Now the trick is how do I do this without expsing the password in clear text... :roll:

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Post by KS-Soft »

Do you mean
- if you are using command line, you can start script without problems on SystemA and SystemB?
- if you are starting script using RMA, it works fine on systemA but returns "compilation error" on systemB?

Both systems 64 bit Windows 2008 R2?
Both agents started as service?
Under admin account?

Could you try to start script using 2 different commands (without using RMA, just command line)
1) %windir%\system32\cscript.exe /E:vbscript <path_to_the_script>
2) %windir%\sysWOW64\cscript.exe /E:vbscript <path_to_the_script>
Both commands work?
I am unsure as to the best or proper way to execute this script using an agent on a remote system. In an ideal situation I would like to store the script in the hml to be used by all agents without having to put the script on every machine
Then you should use Active Script or Shell Script tets methods.
Please note: TEST must return results to HostMonitor, this means you should modify script a little (using Performtest function for Active Script test method or using "scriptres:status:reply" output for Shell Script test method).

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Post by KS-Soft »

Is there anyway to run this as a user from a host monitor agent?
Scripts are running under account that you have specified for HostMonitor (or RMA in your case). If you specified admin account for agent, script will be started under udmin account as well.

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Post by xcentric »

You are correct. I knew that already. Most clients do not want the agent service to run under anything but the localsystem account. Unless they want to use one agent to monitor all servers. I always recommend one agent per server.

However, since my first post I figured out the way.

One test method I did not try was ShellScript. I added the script and voila.

Server 2003 does not have the issue with the other two test methods used. But now I can cover both OS's with a single test method and one instance of the script. Nice. :D

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Post by KS-Soft »

BTW: Shell Script test more flexible than Active Script, we keep Active Script for compatibility with old versions of HostMonitor

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