RMA: Cannot read Data

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RMA: Cannot read Data

Post by Gavin »

Hi Alex/Team,

HM: 9.56
RMA: 4.60

I'm having an issue with a Shell script that is scheduled to run every 12 hours.

I have a folder with 90 tests each running against a different RMA.

If I refresh one test at a time I get a result back. If I refresh say 5 tests at a time, I get results back that are fine. When they activate on the schedule and the entire folder refreshes all the results go to RMA: Cannot read data.

This worked fine before 9.56 so I'm not sure if something that has recently changed has broken this.

Any help appreciated!
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Post by KS-Soft »

90 tests, 90 agents, 90 target systems? Should not be a problem.
Passive RMA? What timeout did you set for agents (option located in agent Connection Parameters dialog)?
This worked fine before 9.56 so I'm not sure if something that has recently changed has broken this.
What exactly version was used before update?

Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:44 am

Post by Gavin »

Hi Alex

Previous version was the one directly before Beta 9.50.

Just ran the tests all at once and they all failed bar 2.

The majority failed with RMA: Cannot Read Data
9 failed with RMA: 301 - Error Script timed out
2 were successful (no pattern to the successful ones either).

Timeout on the RMA is 120 seconds. Timeout on the tests is 1000 seconds. I have just timed it and it looks like it is timing out on the RMA setting as they are all bombing out in 120 seconds. If I run an individual test it runs fine in 13 seconds.

I thought it may be related to the amount of tests executing per second. I changed it down to 1 per second, that got better results but I need to run more than one test per second really.
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Post by KS-Soft »

It does not make any sense :roll:
1) We did not modify code related to Passive RMA (between version 9.50 and 9.56)
2) How execution of script on systemA can make problems related to execution of script on systemB?

Service Pack?
Antivirus monitor?

Could you send your settings to support@ks-soft.net?
We need HML file with tests + *.LST and *.INI files plus rma.ini file (at least one of them).

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