Sample template for custom HTML report


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<meta name="GENERATOR" content="KS-Soft HostMonitor">
<title>HostMonitor report</title>
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<span style="text-align:left; font-size:150%; font-weight:bold"><u>HostMonitor Report</u></span><br>
<span style="font-size:120%">Generated on %Date% at %Time%</span><br>
Time zone: %TimeZone%<br><br>
<table style="border:none; width:100%">
  <th class="L1">Test name</th>
  <th>Alive %</th>
  <th>Dead %</th>
  <th>Total tests</th>
  <th>Passed tests</th>
  <th>Failed tests</th>
  <th>Average reply</th>
  <th>Min reply</th>
  <th>Max reply</th>

Folder title

<tr style="background-color: %Background%; color: %ItemColor%">
  <td class="L1" colspan=12><b>Folder: %Folder%\ </b></td>

Test items

<tr style="background-color: %Background%; color: %ItemColor%">
 <td class="L1">%TestName%</td>
 <td class="W1">%Reply%</td>

Folder summary

<tr><td class="L1" colspan=1 style="background-color:#F5F580; color: %ItemColor%">
  <b>Folder's summary</b> <br>
  Average Alive %<br>
  Average Dead % <br>
  Average Unknown % <br>
  Average Reply <br>
  Min Reply <br>
  Max Reply <br>
<td class="L1" colspan=11 style="background-color:#FFFF80; color: %ItemColor%">
  %FolderAverage_AliveRatio% <br>
  %FolderAverage_DeadRatio% <br>
  %FolderAverage_UnknownRatio% <br>
  %FolderAverage_AverageReply% <br>
  %FolderMin_MinReply% <br>
  %FolderMax_MaxReply% <br>

Gap between folders

<tr style="line-height: 0.5em"><td colspan=12> </td></tr>


<table style="border:none">
 <tr><td class="L1"> Tests with "Good" status</td><td class="L1">%GoodTests%</td></tr>
 <tr><td class="L1"> Tests with "Bad" status</td><td class="L1">%BadTests%</td></tr>
 <tr><td class="L1"> Tests with "Unknown" status  </td><td class="L1">%UnknownTests%</td></tr>
<p>This report was generated by <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>KS-Soft</strong></a><b>
<a href="" target="_blank">HostMonitor</a></b></p>