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Improvements  HostMonitor improvement. If you cannot adjust your antivirus settings in order to skip log and report files from the antivirus check then antivirus (e.g. Windows Defender) may use a lot of system resources, slow down HostMonitor and Windows. Especially when you are using Full logging mode and HTML or DBF log file format (some antivirus software needs more time to check HTML files, some waste more resources on DBF log files).
We redesigned logging module, this helps to reduce system load caused by antivirus software. However we still recommend to exclude log and report files from the antivirus check.

Improvements  HostMonitor and RCC: minor GUI improvements related to Info Pane, Log Viewer, Test Properties dialog; Log Analyzer

Fixed  RCC: several GUI issues were corrected (affected versions 12.84-12.94)

Improvements  HostMonitor and RMA for Windows: test improvements

  • FTPS test supports TLS 1.2
  • Folder/File Size, File/Folder Availability, Count Files, Text Log and Compare Files tests: when you are using %newestfile% variable and software detects several files with the same modification time, it also check creation timestamp

Improvements  HostMonitor, RCC: GUI improvements

  • HTML reports: <a href> tag used for comment lines started with http:// or https://
  • URL test properties window: check content option: field length increased to 4096 characters
  • When you reorder list of fields you may select several items (using Shift and Ctrl) and then move selected items using Ctrl+Up/Down, Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn keys.
The following windows support "multiselect" option:
- User preferences: Columns
- Folder Properties: Columns
- Dynamic view properties: Columns
- Report profiles

Improvements  HostMonitor: new variables


Improvements  Web Service

  • When you reorder list of fields you may select several items (using Shift and Ctrl) and then move selected items using Ctrl+UP/Down, Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn keys. Note: you may open "Visible fields list" window using menu Options->User Profiles->Set fields.

New feature  New test method

HostMonitor and RMA for Windows: DHCP Pool test checks percentage of available IP addresses (IP addresses available for the allocation by Windows DHCP server) and alerts when it falls below specified limit. DHCP servers are configured with one or several ranges of IP addresses, HostMonitor may check specific range or check all DHCP scopes and find subnet with lowest percentage of available IP addresses.

Improvements  Improvements

HostMonitor: SFTP and SSH test methods support more key exchange algorithms:

  • diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
  • curve25519-sha256
  • ecdh-sha2-nistp256
  • ecdh-sha2-nistp384
  • ecdh-sha2-nistp521

Passive RMA 1.36 for Amazon Linux 2 (ARM64)

HostMonitor: new operators for optional status processing and "advanced" actions (useful when you need to parse multi-line text where lines separated by CR, LF or CRLF characters)
getlinewith checks for specified text, returns 1st matched line with this text
getlinestarts returns 1st line that starts with specified text
getlineends returns 1st line that ends with specified text
gettagval finds specified tag, returns tag value, e.g. expression "<tagAA>value11</tagAA><tagBB>value22</tagBB>" gettagval "tagBB" returns "value22"

HostMonitor: new variables
%Reply_DQuotes% represents Reply field where single quotation marks replaced with double quotation marks
%Reply_SQuotes% represents Reply field where double quotation marks replaced with single quotation marks
%SuggestedReply_DQuotes% represents "suggested" Reply value where single quotation marks replaced with double quotation marks
("Tune up reply" option allows you to change Reply value after test execution)
%SuggestedReply_SQuotes% represents "suggested" Reply value where double quotation marks replaced with single quotation marks

HostMonitor: minor URL test improvements related to HTTPS protocol

RMA for Windows (Active and Passive agents): SFTP and SSH test methods support more key exchange algorithms:

  • diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
  • curve25519-sha256
  • ecdh-sha2-nistp256
  • ecdh-sha2-nistp384
  • ecdh-sha2-nistp521

Web Service: minor improvements

Improvements  Improvements

Optimization: if you are using many RCC (Remote Control Console) clients connected to HostMonitor that performs a lot of tests (e.g. 400 tests/sec and 20 RCC), then update Advanced Host Monitor to version 12.84, it works much faster (still not perfect in your case? Please contact us, we may help to adjust some parameters)

Improved "basic" HTML reports
Improved SLA reports (HTML mode)

Improved Compact (HTML) reports

  • you may set width and height of elements using standard CSS units (px, pt, in, em, ch, auto and more)
  • now its easier to set list of fields displayed by popup window (this window displayed when you click on the element); also you may click on other elements without closing popup window first
  • header shows name, status and reply value of the current element (element near mouse pointer)
  • improvements for mobile devices with small screen
  • and more..
sample compact report1
sample compact report2

Added %AlertProfileComment% variable for Send e-mail actions
Minor Web interface improvements

New feature  New test methods

Improvements  Improved tests

  • Text Log test: now you don't need to use TextLog_ForceCheck option for log files that are held open by some application
  • URL test uses less memory and less CPU cycles when it checks hash of entire page (large page without checking for images or frames, e.g. when HostMonitor verifies integrity of some file archive)

Improvements  Optimization

  • HostMonitor: about 15% faster SLA reports generation (SLA reports in HTML format without charts)
  • LogAnalyzer: about 15% faster HTML logs processing
  • LogVisualizer: about 30% faster HTML and TXT logs processing
  • HostMonitor: if you are using old "Custom Table&Stats" report template, you may switch to faster version
    note: you need to add or update report profile manually using the following template)

Improvements  IPMI Browser improvements

  • new menu File -> Reload SDR records
  • new menu File -> Reload thresholds
  • GUI improvements

Fixed  The following issues were resolved

  • RMA for Windows: IPMI Health test could lead to Handle leak (only RMA v5.40 affected)
  • HostMonitor and RCC: minor GUI corrections

New feature  New application: IPMI Browser

IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) is a set of computer interface specifications for out-of-band management of computer systems. IPMI subsystem works independently of the host CPU, firmware and operating system. IPMI provides a way to manage a computer that may be powered off or otherwise unresponsive by using a network connection to the hardware rather than to an operating system.
IPMI Browser retrieves data from servers using IPMI protocol, shows charts with temperature sensors, voltage, current, fans speed. Also you may check all available counters (e.g. disk status, memory errors) with details: value, lower and upper thresholds, critical and non repairable thresholds; export data into text file, etc

New feature  New test methods

  • RMCP Ping - this test uses Remote Management Control Protocol (RMCP) to verify connection to remote servers. Unlike (ICMP)Ping this test method may check powered off servers. Note: not every server supports RMCP and IPMI protocols.
  • IPMI Health - this test method uses IPMI protocol in order to check target server for power related problems, fans and drives faults, detect chassis intrusion.
    Note: we will add more IPMI related test methods in version 12.80

Improvements  Send e-mail action improvements

  • You can specify optional [cc:] and [bcc:] lists in "Recipients" field. e.g. [bcc:]; [cc:] [bcc:];
  • HostMonitor adds "HostMonitor runs in EVALUATION mode" note to e-mail messages when software is not registered properly. This helps to detect problem when registration lost for some reason (e.g. due to major Windows 10 update; or when you installed new version of HostMonitor while your free updates term expired and you missed warning displayed by "update check" window). As usually we recommend to start Auditing Tool (menu View) from time to time; it may detect many system and configuration related problems

Improvements  GUI improvements

  • You may press Ctrl+A in order to select all visible test items in test details area
  • HostMonitor and RCC offers more items in menu Tools. You may start Disk Meter, Process Meter, WMI Explorer, MIB Browser, IPMI Browser, System info, Log Analyzer to explore resources on specific host. If RCC installed on remote systems, you may copy DiskMeter.exe, IpmiBrowser.exe, MibBrowser.exe, ProcessMeter.exe, WmiExplorer.exe modules to RCC system as well.
  • Menu Tools->Recent keeps history of recent actions. E.g. you may check disk space on HostA using SuperMatrix window, check processes on HostB using Network Map, call IPMI Browser from main window - all these commands will be stored in Tools->Recent menu.
    youtube video youtube video

Fixed  The following issues were resolved

  • For some reason ESET antivirus software may set "kernel not running" status while antivirus service is running and working properly. Now Antivirus Status test in "ESET" testing mode ignores "kernel not running" error and sets Ok status (unless other problems detected)
  • When Cisco Health test performed by RMA agent detects some problem it shows problem description in Reply field but it could keep Ok test status. Fixed, now test sets Bad status when problem detected, just like test performed by HostMonitor

Improvements  HostMonitor and RMA improvements

  • Antivirus Status test: new test modes allow checking the following software:
    - Kaspersky Security for Windows Servers
    - ESET Endpoint Security
    - ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange
    - ESET File Security For Windows Server
    HostMonitor may check status, license expiration and database age.

  • Minor GUI improvements related to Test Properties dialog
    - wider test name and comment fields;
    - Alt+Left and Alt+Right hot keys allow to discard changes and move to previous/next test item;
    - Shift+ALT+Left, Shift+ALT+Right hot keys allow to save changes and move to previous/next test item

  • "Tune up Reply" improvements related to JSON strings processing

Improvements  Web Service improvement

You may start compact or tiny interface using optional URL parameters mobile=1 or mobile=0.

Fixed  The following issue was resolved

  • Some SNMP enabled devices (e.g. Cisco N5K-C5672UP) in SNMPv3 mode with enabled encryption (privacy) may send SNMP packets with "junk" data. SNMP Get, SNMP Table, Network Traffic, Network Interface Status tests could cause high CPU load while processing such packets.
    Fixed HostMonitor, RMA, MIB Browser.

Improvements  Improvements

  • HostMonitor: Windows Updates test also checks for "pending reboot" flags

  • HostMonitor: "host related" variables. You could setup actions using variables related to the test that trigger the action (so you could use the same action profile for many different test items) and you could setup actions referring to some other specific test items using variables like %::MainWebServer_CPU::Status%.
    Now you can setup actions using variables that refer not to some specific test (like "CPU test for MainWebServer") but rather to test items that check the same host - HostMonitor will search for test items related to the host that triggered this action execution. E.g. if you setup CPU Usage, Memory and Dominant Process tests for Host01, Host02 .. Host99, then you may setup single alert profile with "Send e-mail" action using HTML template like:
    E-mail triggered by %TestName%<br>%Status%<br>%Reply%<br><br>

    - or -
    E-mail triggered by %TestName% %Status% %Reply%<br><br>
    Related tests:<br><br>
    Then if any CPU Usage test (e.g. "CPU Usage for Host05" test) will change status from Ok to Bad and trigger assigned actions, HostMonitor will find Memory and Dominant Process tests related to the same Host05 and you will get e-mail with information about CPU load, memory usage and information about process(es) that use the most of system resources (CPU, memory, Handles, etc).
    More details..

  • HostMonitor: "Send SMS (GSM)" action: new variables for custom scripts (when "custom" modem type is used):

  • Web Service: various improvements related to "old" (host/ws1/index.htm) and "compact" (host/ws1/compact.htm) interfaces

New feature  New test methods

  • Antivirus status test can check built-in or 3rd party antivirus and antispyware software running on local or remote Windows systems.
  • Windows updates test can check system updates on local or remote Windows hosts.

Improvements  Improvements

  • Restart Service action behavior changed. If you setup one action to restart several services, e.g. service-A,service-B,service-C then HostMonitor will perform the following operations:
    - stop service-A
    - stop service-B
    - stop service-C
    - wait
    - start service-C
    - start service-B
    - start service-A
    (old version would stop&start service-A, then service-B, then service-C)
  • Minor improvements related to Domain Expiration test
  • %FilePath% variable for actions triggered by Count Files test (full path without filemask)
  • %FilePath% variable for actions triggered by Folder/File Size test
  • %TestMode% variable for Count Files test templates
  • %AllParams% variable for ShellScript test templates
  • Various GUI improvements

New feature  New applications

  • Active RMA for FreeBSD (x64)
  • WatchDog for FreeBSD (x64)

Improvements  Improved Active RMA for Linux (x64)

  • Ping test improvements: test shows error in Reply field when RMA does not have necessary capabilities (like Trace test)
  • Support new %SmallestFile% and %LargestFile% variables for file related tests (File Availability, Folder/File Size, etc)
  • Remote Upgrade procedure improvements (using RMA Manager)

Improvements  Improved RMA for Windows (Passive RMA and Active RMA, x86 and x64 versions)

  • Support new %SmallestFile% and %LargestFile% variables for file related tests (File Availability, Folder/File Size, etc)
  • Support new %SmallestFile% and %LargestFile% variables for FTP, FTPS, SFTP test methods
  • ODBC test may retrieve 2 different fields

Improvements  HostMonitor GUI improvements

  • Various improvements related to SuperMatrix window
  • Results History window allows resizing ("historical" charts for set of several selected test items)

Improvements  HostMonitor test improvements

  • %SmallestFile% and %LargestFile% variables support for file related tests (File Availability, Folder/File Size, etc)
  • %SmallestFile% and %LargestFile% variables support for FTP, FTPS, SFTP test methods
  • ODBC test may retrieve 2 different fields. HostMonitor may check value of field1 and display value of field2 or display field1 or it may display both fields.
  • ODBC test: new variables %ODBCField1% and %ODBCField2% provide access to retrieved data; variables can be used in Optional status processing expressions or as parameters of actions assigned to ODBC Query test

New feature  New applications

  • Active RMA for Linux
    - GUI, console and daemon modes
    - Supports over 70 test methods
    - May receive and forward SNMP Trap messages to HostMonitor
    - Not available for FreeBSD, Solaris, macOS and AIX yet (there is old RMA for such systems)
    - details
  • WatchDog for Linux (details)

Improvements  Improved RMA for Windows (Passive RMA and Active RMA, x86 and x64 versions)

  • Remote Upgrade procedure improvements (using RMA Manager)
  • Trace test provides more details in case of some problems, e.g. test may add message like "target not reached within N hops" to the route string when TTL parameter is set too low
  • Radius and DICOM tests corrections (only x64 version of the agent was affected: in some cases tests could fail)

Improvements  HostMonitor/RCC improvements

  • Trace test provides more details in case of some problems
  • Test Properties dialog: minor improvements, e.g. when you view/edit test item, you may use hot keys Alt+LeftArrow, Alt+RightArrow in order to move to previous/next test item
  • Shell Script Manager: you may set fonts used for script, comment and history pages. You may add the following lines into [Environ] section of hostmon.ini file and restart HostMonitor (for example use Consolas and Lucida Console fonts)
    sCommentFontName=Lucida Console
  • Shell Script Manager: various GUI improvements

Improvements  RMA Manager

  • Minor GUI improvements
  • RMA Upgrade procedure improvements

Improvements  Performance improvements

If you set Private logs for 10,000 test items and tell HostMonitor to set new log files on daily basis, then you will have 300,000 log files just in one month; 3,650,000 log files per year. Then Log Processing module could slow down HostMonitor during some operations, especially when HostMonitor needs to start external programs many times in a row (in order to modify a lot of these log files).
New version uses low priority thread usually started after midnight to process log files. You may set specific time for log processing using DailyTime parameter in [Logging_PrivProcessing] section of HostMon.INI file (e.g. DailyTime=0222 tells to start log processing at 2:22 AM).
Note: the following options (when set) can trigger log processing commands during daytime:
 - if common log is switching
 - if private logs is bigger than N KB
usually this is not a problem, these commands will process just 1 log file, not 300,000 files

Improvements  Test improvement

SOAP test may resolve date/time variables in Parameters field

Improvements  RMA/x64

As you know Remote Monitoring Agents (RMA/x86) for Windows included into Advanced Host Monitor package. x86 agents work fine on any 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems starting from Windows XP to Windows Server 2019 (we do not test Windows NT and Windows 2000 anymore). However in some cases you may need 64-bit version of the agent. For example you may need to use some 64-bit ODBC driver (for ODBC Query test) because 32-bit version of ODBC driver is not available.

RMA/x64 can be downloaded as separate package (not included into Advanced Host Monitor installation package); you may replace x86 version of Passive and/or Active RMA agents using rma.exe and rma_active.exe modules from archive.
RMA x64 comes with x64 version of OpenSSL 1.1.1 (files: libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll and libssl-1_1-x64.dll)

Drawback: Active Script test does not work in 64-bit mode because Microsoft does not offer 64-bit version of msscript.ocs. There are some 3rd party replacements but we could not find reliable one. Shell Script tests work fine.

Improvements  Tools/x64

Also 64-bit version of Disk Meter, Process Meter, MIB Browser and WMI Explorer available on download page

Fixed  The following issue was resolved

  • MIB Browser: Charts window: autoscale did not work properly for numbers between 10 and 15. Fixed

Improvements  GUI improvements

  • HostMonitor and RCC: History dialog offers options to hide maximum, average and minimum replies (e.g. you may display just minimum values for Memory tests and display maximum plus average values for CPU Usage tests)

Improvements  Performance improvements

HostMonitor, RCC and RMA: new SNMP v3 related code (encryption) works faster and uses less CPU resources. The following test methods work faster:
  • SNMP Get
  • SNMP Table
  • Traffic monitor
  • Interfaces status
  • CPU Usage (SNMP mode)
  • Memory tests (SNMP mode)
  • Disk Free Space (SNMP mode)
  • Process (SNMP mode)
  • Cisco related tests
  • Juniper tests
  • F5 Big-IP tests
  • Netscaler tests
  • NetApp tests
  • QNAP tests
  • Synology tests
  • UPS related tests

The following tools and applications work faster:
  • Network discovery works faster with SNMP v3 encryption
  • System Info: SNMP v3 related functions work faster
  • MIB Browser: SNMP v3 encryption works faster
  • DiskMeter: SNMP v3 encryption works faster

Note 1: SNMP v2c related code was not changed, its pretty fast (no encryption);
Note 2: as usually we do not recommend 3DES encryption mode. 3DES slower and less secure than AES encryption

Improvements  Tests and actions

  • URL test: 201, 202 reply codes are not considered as bad answer
  • HTTP request action: 201, 202 reply codes are not considered as bad answer
  • %NTEventTextNoQuotes% and %PrevNTEventTextNoQuotes% variables replace CR, LF characters with space

Improvements  Auditing Tool

  • Minor improvements related to prediction and recommendations

Fixed  The following issue was resolved

  • HostMonitor v12.20-12.32 in rare cases could stop monitoring

Improvements  HostMonitor Optional status processing improvements

  • You may use new csvfield and tsvfield operators for [Tune up Reply value], [Use Normal status], [Use Warning status] expressions. E.g.
    Use Normal status if ('%suggestedreply%' csvfield 2)+('%suggestedreply%' csvfield 4)>100
    Tune up Reply value = ['%suggestedreply%' csvfield 2]

Improvements  HostMonitor and RMA for Windows improvements

  • Text Log test: increased speed for "string" and "simple expression" search modes
  • Text Log test: implemented new "expression" search mode. E.g. you may use expressions like
    ('%data%' csvfield 2) + ('%data%' csvfield 4) > 100
    ('%data%' tsvfield 2 > 50) and ('%data%' tsvfield 4 > 160)
    ('%data%' getword 1 == 'error') and ('%data%' getnumber 1 >= 500)

  • File Integrity test: about 15% faster CRC32 mode
  • File Integrity test in MD5/SHA modes could ignore data past 4GB (some large files were checked correctly but not all; in CRC32 mode all files were checked correctly). Fixed

Improvements  RMA for UNIX improvements (v 1.36)

  • Text Log test: increased speed for "string" and "simple expression" search modes
  • Text Log test: implemented new "expression" search mode, supported expressions like
    ('%data%' csvfield 2) + ('%data%' csvfield 4) > 100
    ('%data%' tsvfield 2 > 50) and ('%data%' tsvfield 4 > 160)
    ('%data%' getword 1 == 'error') and ('%data%' getnumber 1 >= 500)

  • Compare Files test: increased speed
  • File Integrity test: increased speed for all modes (CRC32, MD5, SHA256, SHA512)

  • HostMonitor and RMA for Windows: faster Text Log test method
  • HostMonitor and RCC: corrections for "same scale for all charts" option (multi-test history dialog)

  • HostMonitor: minor GUI improvements
  • HostMonitor and RMA: minor Synology Health test adjustments
  • HostMonitor and RMA: some IMAP and LDAP tests related corrections (e.g. test could show "No answer" status instead of "Unknown host" status)
  • Passive and Active RMA for Windows: reduced CPU usage in application mode, especially on Windows 10 systems (as usually service mode is preferred when high load is expected)
  • Web Service: several corrections related to Network Map pane

Improvements  Log Analyzer improvements:

  • TXT, HTML and ODBC logs analyzing about 5-10% faster
  • DBF log files analyzing about 30% faster
  • Full screen chart about 10% faster
  • Reports with charts about 30% faster
  • Log Analyzer uses PNG images instead of GIF image files

Improvements  HostMonitor and RMA improvements related to System Info feature for local Windows systems (domain members)

Fixed  The following issues were resolved

  • Temperature Monitor test: in some cases HostMonitor could not get data from Sensatronics EM1 devices using "all probes" test mode. Fixed
  • Remote Exec and Remote Kill actions: HostMonitor did not resolve variables in "hostname" field. Fixed
  • Fixed issues related to System Info feature (some data collected by RMA agents could not be parsed by HostMonitor)

Improvements  HostMonitor improvements:

  • Send message to pager (SNPP) action supports SSL/TLS connections
  • minor GUI improvements
  • minor performance improvements

Improvements  Installer improvements

Fixed  The following issues were resolved

  • HostMonitor version 12.20-12.24 could get wrong credentials from Connection Manager when tests performed by RMA agents. Fixed
  • If you are using Service tests with "Alert when some Auto services are not running" and "Skip services" options, then in some cases "Start service" action could not start some of stopped services. Fixed

Improvements  HostMonitor tests improvements:

  • NTP/SNTP test: in some cases test could set Bad status without explanation. New version will show problem description in Reply field. E.g. "clock not synchronized" error message means the host's NTP service is not synchronized to any remote server (HostMonitor can show such Bad status even if time is correct, so far)
  • Drive Free Space: minor improvements for "Import from text file" procedure

Improvements  GUI improvement:

  • HostMonitor and RCC: "Same scale for all charts" option available when you open "History" dialog for several test items and set Performance mode
  • LogAnalyzer: about 10% analysis speed increase
  • WatchDog: now application uses the same scale for tests, actions and logging charts (unless there are big difference in results). E.g. If maximum 40 tests/sec, 5 actions/sec and 10 records/sec were performed during displayed time interval then WatchDog will set scale for all 3 charts to 50. If 290 tests/sec and 25 actions/sec were performed, then tests chart scale will be set to 300; actions charts scale to 50

Fixed  The following issues were resolved

  • HostMonitor version 12.20 and 12.21 could work incorrectly with Backup Active RMA agents when "Load balancing 50/50" mode used. Fixed
  • RMA Manager: in rare cases it could set wrong status when you import RMA agent settings from CSV file. Fixed

Improvements  Performance

HostMonitor: new version uses less CPU and can perform more tests. In some extreme cases (high load on multi-core CPU systems) you may see up to 5 times less CPU usage; up to 1000 tests/sec can be performed.
Other improvements help to perform more test probes when test items depend on many master tests.

Passive RMA agents (for Windows): on high load new version may use 10-20% less CPU time in application mode; up to 30% less CPU load in service mode (as usually for better performance use service mode).

Active RMA agents (for Windows): on high load new version may use 30% less CPU time in application mode; up to 50% less CPU load in service mode (as usually for better performance use service mode).

Improvements  New performance related options

Test threads limit [N]
This new option replaces "Do not start more than [N] tests per second". Now you set limit for total number of threads used for test execution while HostMonitor will decide how many tests can be started at any given moment. Actually its not firm limit, in some cases HostMonitor may start additional threads (e.g. some tests need a lot of time to provide results).

Up to [N] tests/sec for Active RMA
Sets limit for requests from HostMonitor to ActiveRMA agents


In some cases 20 threads is enough to perform 300 tests per second; in other cases you need 100 threads just for 50 tests/sec (depends on test methods, test settings, speed of your LAN or internet connection and so on).
After update we recommend to let HostMonitor run for some time (at least 10 minutes) and then use Auditing Tool to check for possible problems. It may recommend increasing thread limit or limit related to Active RMA agents.

Improvements  Auditing Tool

As usually software speed and CPU load depends on many factors, e.g. 400 fast Ping tests every second can be considered as medium load; while 100 URL or Dominant Process tests per second can be considered as high load. That's why new Auditing Tool collects more data, checks more parameters and can provide better recommendations based on your actual settings.
Also new version shows average load (tests/sec) separately for HostMonitor itself, Passive RMA agents and Active RMA agents.


Improvements  Minor HostMonitor and RCC GUI improvements

Fixed  The following issues were resolved

- If some test performed by RMA agent then "Execute by test performer" option always started corresponding action using primary RMA agent
  (even if test was performed by Backup agent). Fixed
- In some cases Registry test on Windows 10 system could lead to handles and memory leakage. Fixed

- Improved Web Service
- 12 new test methods
- 7 new actions
- 4 improved test methods
- Automatic backups
- New authentication option for Remote Control Console
- Remote Monitoring Agent (RMA) for Rasberry PC Pi4

New feature  New "Network map" pane (Web Service)

Web Service may group all tests related to the same host, set links between different hosts depending on HostMonitor-RMA and Master-Dependants relations and display HostMonitor, RMA agents and all hosts on interactive map.
youtube demo 

network map

Gravity and Spiral. Web Service may set initial positions for the elements using "Gravity" and "Spiral" algorithms. Spiral works much faster so we recommend this method when you are monitoring thousands of hosts. Actually you may use both methods - init entire WAN map using Spiral algorithm, then select some part of the map (e.g. click on RMA agent to select agent and all hosts monitored by this agent) and apply Gravity algorithm for this LAN.
Note: Spiral algorithm will reset entire map, while Gravity algorithm may work with entire map or selected subset (e.g. RMA agent with hosts or Master test with dependent items).
When you click on Gravity button, button caption changes to "Stabilize/Stop" and you may click it again when map looks "good enough" without waiting for algorithm to complete.

Then you may manually adjust position of any element (standard drag&drop). If you drag master item and hold the button depressed, interface will rearrange dependant items using Gravity algorithm; release mouse button to stop this process at any time.

Rotate left / Rotate right - these buttons may work with entire map or with selected segments (just like Gravity button).
Undo and Redo buttons help to fix mistakes.
Zoom - use mouse wheel to zoom in / zoom out.

Background images
You may set comment, load background image (select image from drop-down list and click "Set map background" button), then save map settings using Save or SaveAs buttons.
Some background samples located in WebService\mapsbg\ folder, images based on data provided by OpenStreetMap ( You can create your own images to fit your company standards and copy files into this folder.

Item color depends on status of all tests related to the host. E.g. green means all tests have "good" status (and may be some disabled tests); yellow means there are some tests with "unknown" status; pink - warning tests; red - there are some "bad" tests; orange - there are some "bad", "warning" or "unknown" items, all of them acknowledged; grey - all tests disabled.
Size of the item depends on number of tests related to the host.

Click on the host (right mouse button) and you will see test items related to the host: test name, last reply and average reply value. Then you may select test and use popup menu (right mouse click again) to enable, pause, resume test, acknowledge test status, check quick log, check performance history and so on.

Improvements  Improved Top Hosts pane (Web service)

WebService may adjust long test names trying to fit text in the window, for example it can display "C: on server5" instead of full test name "Free Disk Space C: on server5"
Added new groups:
- System: Hottest system/CPUQNAP, Synology, NetApp, Cisco, Juniper and HP iLO Temperature tests
- HDD: Highest disk loadSynology Disk Load and Windows Performance Counter ('% Disk Time') tests
- UPS: Highest loadUPS Load tests
- UPS: Highest temperatureUPS Temperature tests
- UPS: Lowest charge levelUPS Charge tests
Improved groups:
- HDD: Hottest diskincludes QNAP Temperature, Synonoly Temperature and HDD Smart tests

New feature  New test methods (HostMonitor/RMA for Windows)

- WebDav Free Space Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol provides a framework for users to create, change and move documents on a server.
WebDAV servers are frequently deployed with quota (size) limitations. This test method checks amount (or percentage) of free space and may trigger alerts when free space falls below specified limit
- SIP monitors target servers using Session Initiation Protocol requests over UDP, TCP or TCP+TLS protocols
  The following test methods check health of F5 BIG-IP network devices using SNMP protocol
- Big-IP Health checks overall health: status of the disks, power supply status, fans status, failover and sync statuses
- Big-IP Temperature checks chassis, CPU, blade temperature sensors, sets Bad status when temperature exceeds specified limit
- Big-IP Statistics allows to checks various metrics, like
- Current connections
- SSL connections
- Connections/sec
- Dropped packets ratio
- HTTP requests/sec
- HTTP errors ratio
- HTTP Cache hits ratio
- DNS requests/sec
and much more
- Big-IP Free Spacethis test may check several drives on target system and find drive with minimum free space or drive with minimal percentage of free space
- Big-IP CPU Usagechecks the percentage of CPU utilization
- Big-IP Memorychecks available memory on the device (Total, TTM memory, non-TTM, Swap)
  The following test methods check health of Citrix Netscaler network devices using SNMP protocol
- Netscaler Temperature checks internal, CPU and auxiliary temperature sensors, sets Bad status when temperature exceeds specified limit
- Netscaler Statisticsallows to checks various metrics
- Current connections
- Connections/sec
- SSL connections ratio
- SSL cache hit ratio
- SSL current queue size
- HTTP requests/sec
and more
- Netscaler CPU Usagechecks the percentage of CPU utilization; also it may check utilization of the hardware crypto chip (N3 chip, if installed)
- Netscaler Memorychecks amount or percentage of free memory on NetScaler device

New feature  New actions (HostMonitor)

- Start program remotely   executes external program on remote system
- Kill process kills process on local or remote system
- Slack message sends a message to Slack messenger channel
- Viber message sends a message to Viber client
- Hangouts chat sends messages into Google Hangouts chat
- Microsoft Teams sends a message to Microsoft Teams channel
- Telegram message sends a message to Telegram messenger chat

New feature  New variables (HostMonitor)

New variables:
- %Reply_AsIS%
- %LastReply_AsIS%
- %SuggestedReply_AsIS%

New feature  Automatic Backups (HostMonitor)

HostMonitor may create backup copies of all data files once a day and/or once a week; keep last N daily and/or weekly copies; remove old archives, start actions when backup procedure failed, etc.
You may adjust backup options or restore settings from archive using menu File->Backup options (you should use user account with "backup/restore operations" permission; by default only admin account has such permission, you may adjust account settings and permissions using menu User->Operators).
Also HostMonitor may backup your VB and Java scripts, HostMonitor script files (.HMS, .VBS, .JS, .PS1, .CMD, .BAT files). If you are using some external scripts for tests or actions, we recommend storing them in Scripts subfolder within HostMonitor data folder (e.g. C:\ProgramData\HostMonitor\Scripts\).
Note: compression and encryption for archives will be implemented soon.
youtube demo 

New feature  Windows authentication (HostMonitor/RCC)

Now you may set "HM or Win authentication" status to user accounts (operators). In such case remote RCC operator may choose "Windows authentication" option and connect to HostMonitor without providing username/password. Windows authentication mode can be used when HostMonitor and RCC started on domain systems (not workgroup).
Note: in order to use Windows authentication mode while HostMonitor running as service you should set user account for the service using Windows "Services" applet (do not set user account using HostMonitor Options dialog).
Windows account on HostMonitor side can be specified as domain\user or just user (in case of single domain). E.g. if operator logged in to Windows system and started RCC under "DOMAIN1\manager123" name, then either "DOMAIN1\manager123" or "manager123" operator account should be created on HostMonitor side (User->Operators)

Improvements  RMA

Remote Monitoring Agent (RMA) for Rasberry PC Pi4 (Ubuntu)

Fixed  The following issues were resolved

  • URL test with "download frames" option could miss IFRAME tags. Fixed
  • DNS test did not work in TCP mode. Fixed
  • Memory test for Linux
    Net-SNMP-Libs starting from version 5.7.2-43 on RedHat/CentOS/Fedora systems sets memAvailReal counter to the available memory while older versions of Net-SNMP sets this counter to amount of the free memory.
    New HostMonitor/RMA checks Net-SNMP version and adjust calculations depending on version, this way Memory test should work properly for any system with Net-SNMP version below 5.7.2 and above 5.7.2 (e.g. 5.7.3). Unfortunately SNMP agent does not provide full version so it's impossible to determine behavior for 5.7.2.xx subversions, however HostMonitor should be able to get correct data in most cases using any Net-SNMP 5.7.2.xx (in same cases it will not be 100% accurate)
  • Service test, "Alert when some Auto services not running" testing mode: in some rare cases it could set Unknown status with "not found" error message. Fixed

  • sometimes it could drop connection to HostMonitor (and then reconnect). Fixed


versions 11.00 - 11.98
versions 10.00 - 10.70
versions 9.00 - 9.90

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